World Chocolate Ice Cream Day + Día Mundial del Helado de Chocolate [Eng+Spa]

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen by: GaryTalbot
Image generated in NightStudio - Imagen generada en NightStudio

Spanish Version Bellow

It's Friday. We are already on June 7th. This Friday we are at home, still feeling unwell and my mind is quite slow, but I have managed to work a little and that helps me for the week. I think this weekend I'm going to rest to see if what's left of the discomfort goes away. In addition, I am already trying to go back to sleep at night and not wake up while I do work on the computer.

There's not much else to talk about life offline, at least, there's not much else that's enjoyable to talk about. So I prefer to comment on an event from today that is interesting. You already know that I like #food, and I love to find out a little about its history. This is what led me to select a celebration of a #frozendessert that is delicious. Today is 'World Chocolate Ice Cream Day'.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

It is curious that the different sites that I reviewed lack fundamental information about this celebration. None of the pages had the exact explanation of why #chocolateicecream is celebrated on this day. In my opinion, you can always celebrate chocolate, but I would have liked to find out how it became a World Day, and I would also like to be clearer about where the initiative came from.

On the other hand, all the sites I reviewed shared a piece of information about the beginning of the popularization of ice cream. Relating this fact to the invention of the first refrigerator, by the North American Nancy Johnson.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Nancy Johnson was quite an interesting woman, in my view it is interesting that a woman in the 19th century had the freedom and support to study in scientific fields. This may relate to her native family, but I am more inclined to believe that it has to do with the fact that she married (1823) the first secretary of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: Walter Rogers Johnson.

This husband was a scientist and inventor, a man passionate about his field. He did not mind that his wife showed off her abilities, and it seems that he preferred a companion with whom he could talk about inventions, instead of a slave-woman who only attended to domestic tasks and served her husband and children.

Nancy filed her patent for the home #icecream maker in 1843, while living in Philadelphia (United States), although there are several sources that said that she had invented the automatic ice cream maker in 1846, this 3 year disparity seems to be due to time between the filing of the patent application and the time for its approval. I regret that I do not have more information to clarify this.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

It is surprising that the machine can be considered a disruptive technology for its time. It transformed what ice cream production was and made it possible to make it in a simpler and more commercially profitable way. The machines did not require electricity, and since the refrigerator had not yet been invented, it was a product to be consumed at the time of being produced. So having a machine that could make ice cream when buyers asked for it was great.

Before Nancy Johnson's Ice Cream Machine, ice cream was a luxury of the most economically powerful classes. After the commercialization of the machine, it became the most popular and common #dessert. By the way, among the flavors that have been with us since the 19th century there are a couple that occupy first place (Vanilla), and second place, which is occupied by the flavor of #Chocolate. It is to the latter that today is dedicated.

I already love the chocolate itself. If you put it in ice cream, it is even better, especially for hot days. In addition, this ice cream flavor has hundreds of chemical compounds that stimulate the feeling of happiness in the brain. In short, it is wonderful, refreshing, and delicious.

I think I have already gone on longer than expected in today's post, so I say goodbye, wishing you that you are well and that we can read again another time.

Versión en Inglés arriba

Es viernes. Ya estamos al día 7 de junio. Este viernes estamos en casa, aun con malestar y yo ando con la mente bastante lenta, pero he logrado trabajar un poco y eso me ayuda para la semana. Pienso que este fin de semana voy a descansar para ver si se me pasa lo que queda del malestar. Además, ya estoy procurando volver a dormir de noche y no amanecer mientras resuelvo los trabajos en la computadora.

No hay mucho más que comentar de la vida fuera de línea, cuando menos, no hay mucho más que sea agradable para comentar. Así que prefiero pasar a comentar una efeméride del día de hoy que está interesante. Ya sabrás que me gusta la #comida, y me encanta averiguar un poco de su historia. Esto es lo que me llevó a seleccionar una celebración de un #postre helado que es delicioso. Hoy es el ‘Día Mundial del Helado de Chocolate’.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Es curioso que los diferentes sitios que revisé, carecen de un dato fundamental de esta celebración. Ninguna de las páginas tenía la explicación exacta del porqué se celebra al #helado de chocolate en este día. En mi opinión, siempre se puede celebrar al #chocolate, pero me hubiera agradado averiguar cómo fue que se convirtió en un Día Mundial, y también me gustaría tener más claro de donde vino la iniciativa.

Por otra parte, todos los sitios que revisé, compartían un dato sobre el inicio de la popularización del helado. Relacionando este hecho con la invención de la primera heladera, por parte de la norteamericana Nancy Johnson.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Nancy Johnson era una mujer bastante interesante, desde mi punto de vista, resulta interesante que una mujer del siglo XIX tuviera la libertad y el apoyo para estudiar en campos científicos. Esto puede relacionarse con su familia natal, pero soy más partidario de que tiene relación con el hecho de que ella se casó (1823) con el primer secretario de la Asociación Estadounidense para el Avance de la Ciencia: Walter Rogers Johnson.

Este esposo era un científico e inventor, un hombre apasionado con su campo. Al que no le molestaba que su mujer mostrara sus habilidades y parece que prefería una compañera con la que conversar sobre inventos, en lugar de una mujer-esclava que solo atendiera tareas domésticas y sirviera al esposo e hijos.

Nancy presentó su patente para la máquina de hacer helado en casa en 1843, mientras vivía en Filadelfia (Estados Unidos), aunque hay varias fuentes que decían que ella había inventado la heladera automática en 1846, esta disparidad de 3 años parece que puede deberse al tiempo entre la presentación de la solicitud de patente y el tiempo para su aprobación. Lamento no tener más datos para clarificar esto.

Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Es sorprendente que la máquina se puede considerar una tecnología disruptiva para su momento. Transformó lo que era la producción de helados y posibilitó su elaboración de manera más sencilla y comercialmente rentable. Las máquinas no requerían electricidad, y al no haberse inventado aún el refrigerador, era un producto para ser consumido al momento de ser producido. Así que tener una máquina con la que se pudiera fabricar el helado cuando lo pidieran los compradores, era algo genial.

Antes de la Máquina de Helado de Nancy Johnson, el helado era un lujo de las clases más económicamente poderosas. Luego de la comercialización de su máquina, se convirtió en el postre más popular y común. Por cierto, entre los sabores que nos acompañan desde el siglo XIX están un par que ocupan el primer lugar (Vainilla), y el segundo lugar, que es ocupado por el sabor de #Chocolate. Es a este último que se dedica el día de hoy.

El chocolate en sí ya me encanta. Si lo pones en helado es incluso mejor, sobre todo para los días calurosos. Además de que este sabor de helado tiene cientos compuestos químicos que estimulan la sensación de felicidad en el cerebro. En fin, que es toda una maravilla, refrescante y delicioso.

Creo que ya me he extendido más de lo previsto en el post de hoy, así que me despido, deseándote que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra oportunidad.


This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.

Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

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chocolate ice-cream is almost every one favourite... we should celebrate this day... Thankyou for making us remind about this day...

It is a very popular flavor, from what I read it is second in the list of ice cream flavors that are most requested in the world.
Personally, I love chocolate ice cream :)

I hope you feel better soon. Rest this weekend and take care of yourself. I'm sure with a little rest you will recover.

This post was curated by me as part of We Are Alive Tribe community.
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!Gif Thanks by good wishes!

Una mujer maravillosa nos dejó un legado maravilloso, helado al alcance de todos.
Eso fueron décadas de buenos recuerdos a familias, parejas de enamorados, y amantes del helado.

Cierto que es un postre que trae recuerdos :)

Wow chocolate ice cream gets it's official world day. That's amazing! 😆 It's not only great for cooling down but enjoying chocolate can make one really feel happy. Thank you for sharing this amazing day. Now I wish I can enjoy some chocolate ice cream too. 😂

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

Thanks for comment. I found the story behind the ice cream patent interesting, but I couldn't find much information.
However, I was pleased to find that it was the invention of a woman, and that it seems that she had had the support of her family to develop her creations.
I also wanted an ice cream like the one in the photo. (personal smile)
Chocolate can always make me feel a little better :)

!GIF Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Nice GIF


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