Day of 2024-09-16

Yesterday morning, the sun was shining but there was a strong wind, making it a perfect day for a morning bike ride. Despite the wind, I managed to fit some activity into my day, which helped kickstart my energy.

Later in the day, I had the chance to buy back a significant amount of $LGN that I had sold a couple of days ago. It felt like a strategic move as I was able to balance my portfolio, making the pie chart much more even.

In the evening, after the sun had set, I took the dog out for a walk. It was a peaceful way to wind down from the day. The cool evening air and quiet streets made for a relaxing end to the day, and the dog seemed to enjoy the calmness too.
It\’s always nice to disconnect from the busyness and just take in the simple moments.

To wrap up the night, I watched a couple of movies—*Deep Impact* and *Rebel Ridge*. *Deep Impact* was an intense story about Earth being threatened by a meteor, with Morgan Freeman giving a strong performance as the president. *Rebel Ridge* was more gritty, focusing on a corrupt local police department, which kept me on edge with its suspenseful plot. Both movies were great in their own way and made for a satisfying end to the evening.


Thank you for posting in the We Are Alive Tribe. Your post has been upvoted [From the perspective of Alive Power]. Continue posting in this community 🙂!

🩺Today's Medical/Health TitBit🩺

Exercise for a Diabetic

According to ADA (American Diabetic Association), all adults with diabetes over 18 years of age, should do either 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity exercise or combination thereof. Muscle-strengthening (resistance) exercise is recommended for 2 or more days in a week.

I want to share something I've been excited about lately. It's called LiveGood, and it's all about helping people improve their health, save on daily products, and even create an additional income stream if they're interested.

If you're curious, here is a quick short video that explains it. The best part is that they accept Crypto as a payment option!



@master-lamps! @dmhafiz Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @dmhafiz.

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