Beautiful morning from here everyone!
Oh what a joy! What a privilege to be called and chosen to be among the living today
I am not alive today because of my good wills or because I am a perfect human but because God's grace has been made sufficient unto me.
I am enjoying this privilege because He loves me, He cares for me and has greater plans for me.
I might not have it all just yet, I might not figure everything out but one thing I know for sure is that where there is life, there is hope and because of this, I am grateful.
I am grateful for life, I am grateful for good health.
I don't know about you, what are you most grateful for today? What are those things you can look at and be glad it's yours? Is it your wealth? Your cars? Your houses? Your family? Or even your possessions?
I want to remind you that though these things are good and make life even more beautiful, the most essential thing and reason to be happy and thankful is that you are alive.
We are all alive to witness yet another day.
I came across this community today while going through my timeline and I couldn't by pass it but stop to let you all know that though everything might not go well or as planned, though my life is still a bit shaky and my goals and targets are yet to be achieved or accomplished, but I am most grateful for my life and my family.
I will always remain grateful to be listed and called among the living
And with this I know that my time will come, a time I will have everything all sorted out and figured out.
And until then, my joy is still complete because I am alive to witness every rising of the sun and the setting of the same.
I am glad to say I am alive and hearty today! What a joy! What a privilege, I don't take this for granted.
Happy new week wonderful people of Hive Blockchain
6 May, 2024