After weather that couldn't make up it's mind, it's finally spring! The sky is blue, the sun is warm and the wind is light. Perfect weather to be out and about - so I run my errands with the windows down, breathing deeply.
My children are almost well, there are still some sniffily noses and coughs, but it's not nearly like it was last week. They are outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, which I think will mend things up nicely.
I took my two-year-old with me to the post office. It was very nice walking with my little one at my side, holding my hand. It's interesting observing how "ordered" she is. Even little things, like how she'll decide to bring her water bottle, she'll set the water bottle down to get in her seat, then pick it up again in her lap. We never taught her that, she learned that completely on her own.
This is how homeschooling is possible, it's not that they will figure out reading and writing, etc, but that they are little sponges, observing and calculating and practicing all the time. Place them in a learning environment and they will learn.
How much did my little daughter learn in a short trip to the post office? How many new opinions did she form? What did she observe? More than I know!
She had a lot of fun, listening to music, enjoying the nice day. That's how children gain experience and learning. They learn through living.
Bless the Most High!
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