We Are Alive! July 4th, 2024 Old Nickel

in We Are Alive Tribe3 months ago

It's a day off to celebrate the founding this union of free and sovereign states whose power is delegated by the consent of the people.

Hearing all the explosive fireworks is a reminder of where the true power of these sovereign states resides - in the hands of the people, of whom multitudes will be lighting explosives that spread brilliant light and glittering sparks into the air.

Some years the fireworks are so intense and ongoing that it sounds like a war is going on. Thankfully it's not. It's just people outside enjoying BBQ and drinks and company and explosions. Go team USA.

I decided to do some weeding in the garden on this 4th of July Thursday. Very satisfying.

A Handsome Coin

I have noticed one sign of economic distress is finding old coins in change. Most of the silver coins have been removed from circulation, but pennies and nickels from the 30's and 40's and 50's show up quite a bit when things get tight.

I remember seeing this phenomenon in 2008, then again in 2020 (with the alleged coin shortage) and now again in 2024.

It's amazing to think this coin is 71 years old!

My theory is that when costs go up, the difference is made up with people pulling up the old change jar. These old change jars get dumped into the coinstars, which make their way to the banks and then into the registers of remaining brick-and-mortar retailers who hand them out as change.

No matter how these get into circulation, they're fun to discover and collect. They're not exceedingly valuable, they're not in the greatest condition. But they have history and as they say, they don't make them like the used to.

Even with all the wear and scratches, the deep lines and classic design make discovering these like discovering a small treasure.

If Jefferson Were Alive Today

If Thomas Jefferson were around today, he would be both impressed and disgusted with the condition of the US.

Impressed with the level of luxury the average citizen enjoys, affordable and accessible technology, grocery stores filled with varieties of foods unimaginable in his day, indoor plumbing, paved roadways all over the land. So much to be impressed with, especially the general prosperity each citizen enjoys, even people who are considered to have poverty level income.

He would be disgusted by what our "Representative Republic" has become. He would slap anyone in the face who called this nation a "Democracy". He would be shocked with the general moral decay that the general population is tolerant of. He would consider many Americans slothful and unhealthy, with the burden of many held up the the strength of a few. He would be surprised by the massive number and varieties of churches and the number of empty pews. He would be disappointed by the massive number of people just going along to get along without standing for "natural law" and the rights that all men possess.

This of course is all conjecture and imagination, but seems very plausible.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


Teach Your Children Liberty from Sin

We encourage parents to teach their children principles of Godliness, beginning with the Word and an understanding who God is and what His Son has done to form a relationship with us.

No one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, his workmanship will be evident, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will prove the quality of each man’s work. 1 Corinthians 3:11-13

Teach Your children Liberty from Tyranny

Second to this is the principle of self-determination and freedom, lest we loose the ability to teach our children the first principle in future generations.

Our children read the Tuttle Twin books, specifically to learn libertarian principles, which most people learn later in life. These books are useful for our family, and yours, to teach children concepts that seem complicated, but are made simple in these books. I am an affiliate for Libertas Publishing, your purchase will help our family grow financially.

Bank Bailout Special!

It's happening, folks. The banks are going under! To educate our children about what is going on, there is a "Bank Bailout Book Bonanza" going on with the Tuttle Twins! Use coupon code FORTY for 40% off your purchase! Check out the books here.

"Politicians like problems because they can claim to have solutions... but their solutions often create even more problems."


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"Real bunsens 🪙is a sight fur sair een 👀 mucker!"

Happy Fourth, @ironshield!

Now, you're making me want to break out my Nickel Collection...

Yes, I believe he'd be especially appalled at the state of the country.
Happy Independence Day