We Are Alive! July 17th, 2024 Teaching About Inflation

in We Are Alive Tribe3 months ago

I noticed this morning in our live trap that we had a squirrel. Might be the one who is stealing our apples from the tree! So we loaded up the car and four little volunteers came with me to release the animal in a better location.

Since we had a bag full of aluminum cans to return for our deposit, we visited our local grocery store. After getting our dimes (each can has a $0.10 deposit), we visited the store looking for what I call "good deals". I almost ALWAYS find something worth purchasing. This time, hardly anything. I couldn't even find anything of value for less than a dollar!

General rule of thumb, maximum cost for non-luxury foods is $4.00 / lb or $0.25 / oz. And that's on the high side, the goal is to find food much lower than this.

But here we are. I pick up a "big cup" and see it's for sale for $1.00. Calling a 1.2 oz anything BIG is insulting to our intelligence. According to the (former) rule of thumb, this should be about $0.29 or less.

This candy is currently over $13 / lb. Some high-end hand-crafted sweets will go for this rate, like home-made fudge or chocolate covered dried fruit - but "Reese's Puffs" are like checkout line candy. You'd get a three pack of these for $0.79. Back in the day. A few years ago.

One of the lessons was "don't waste your money on candy" and find healthy food at a good price per pound. We can still get potatoes for $1.00 / lb. Green vegetables for $2.00 / lb, but many are now $3 - $4 / lb.

This is the reality that my children will grow up with: a dollar not possessing hardly any value. Requiring multitudes of dollars for basic essentials.

This was a great learning opportunity for my children as they will likely not remember when candy at the checkout lane was 3/$1.00. Watermelons were $4 - $5.

Daddy is giving them the opportunity to see the price transformation in real time - not to complain, but to learn.

What is Inflation? Why does it Happen?

These are questions that will come up for any parent concerned about rising costs. It's a challenging subject, very complicated and full of intricate concepts and big words.

The Tuttle Twin books simplifies it all. Taking a complex subject and bringing it to the level of a seven year old.

The Tuttle Twins Learn about Inflation

When daddy shows them rising prices, they know why it's happening. It's a form of theft, stealing value from our money, causing prices to go up. It's not the grocery store's fault, it's a much broader problem. One that will take an entire GENERATION to fix.

Will it be our generation? Or will it more likely be the next generation.

It all depends on how our children are taught.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


Teach Your Children Liberty from Sin

We encourage parents to teach their children principles of Godliness, beginning with the Word and an understanding who God is and what His Son has done to form a relationship with us.

No one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, his workmanship will be evident, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will prove the quality of each man’s work. 1 Corinthians 3:11-13

Teach Your children Liberty from Tyranny

Second to this is the principle of self-determination and freedom, lest we loose the ability to teach our children the first principle in future generations.

Our children read the Tuttle Twin books, specifically to learn libertarian principles, which most people learn later in life. These books are useful for our family, and yours, to teach children concepts that seem complicated, but are made simple in these books. I am an affiliate for Libertas Publishing, your purchase will help our family grow financially.

Bank Bailout Special!

It's happening, folks. The banks are going under! To educate our children about what is going on, there is a "Bank Bailout Book Bonanza" going on with the Tuttle Twins! Use coupon code FORTY for 40% off your purchase! Check out the books here.

"Politicians like problems because they can claim to have solutions... but their solutions often create even more problems."


I haven't ever thought to have a max price per pound or ounce and calculate it on my purchases. I'm VERY thrifty and shop our local stores on the sale days - like today we got apples and pears at a grocery store that has them 20% off on Wednesdays. Tomorrow I'll get eggs there and Mondays I buy bread at the same place. I help run a veggie market on Fridays, so I get all of the veggies for the week from that farmer and I rarely ever pay over $1 a pound for any of those. I'm thankful that inflation isn't that bad here. We can still get a McD's deal for $4 (which maybe happens once every 6 weeks since we live 30 minutes from the closest fast food place). We rarely eat out (birthdays or if we have to go to David an hour away). I was looking online at our equivalent to Costco today and chocolate chips were $19!! I was like 🥴 last time I paid $13 and I thought that was high (for 4.5 pounds). I noticed at the grocery store I could get them for $2.50 for 12 ounces. But chocolate chips are imported. Anything imported we pay more for (like chips and junk food). Anyway, this is a great lesson to teach your kids, but it's a hard lesson to teach your wallet...

I was looking online at our equivalent to Costco today and chocolate chips were $19!!

Yikes!!!! What is going on???? Children are going to grow up with the dollar being what we know of a few years ago as QUARTERS! Pocketchange!

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12.99 for a watermelon, wow that is high, here they are 5 dollars, some places 8