We Are Alive! July 13th, 2024 And so is Trump

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago

We were finishing up the evening of rest when my wife said "Something has happened today - Trump was just shot." Of course my mind goes immediately to worse-case scenario.

But learning more about what happened, Trump survived (with a hole in his ear) but sadly an spectator from the audience was killed and two others in critical condition. The shooter was also killed. We'll find out more about the details in the coming days.

The Most High was looking out for him. Our country was about an INCH away from a complete transformation. As it is, this is a political GIFT. The street cred of a bullet wound, public spectical, many people buzzing. This is mug-shot x 10,000. The amount of political donations are about to reach record-breaking levels.

This must drive his political opponents crazy. Not only did he survive, he has a new iconic photograph with his fist in the air, blood on his cheek. People will be talking about this for the rest of the summer - exactly at the same time they are doing an about-face from the current president.

These two photos, snapped by opportunistic photographers at the rally, are going mega-viral. If it bleeds, it leads. It almost looks like President Trump is praying in this photo.

Considering what had just happened, I wouldn't be surprised. Most people would be.

God save our President. It was a close one.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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"Politicians like problems because they can claim to have solutions... but their solutions often create even more problems."


That's pretty shocking incident!

And, he is going to be the POTUS it seems!

It seems that way indeed. Once a king draws blood for his people, the throne is his.

Humbly, I suggest this is part of the script. There was no reaction but a hand that looked like it might have held something - link a blood pack? - going to His ear. No reaction in the body at all. No sudden movement of His head. Nothing.

~Play Circus.png

I agree that a number of things we are told are real and are widely accepted as real are completely fake as psychological operations - however this is not one of them. It's true that Trump was on a literal STAGE, but what occurred was not scripted, but very much off-script.

Trump is not that good of an actor, when he put his hand up to his ear it was like he had a scratch or an itch, which is exactly how a person reacts to sudden non-lethal trauma. Also we can hear on the live mike that his actions were not coordinated with the Secret Service, which would be required for an elaborate stage production. Photos of the deceased shooter were leaked and there's nothing fake about the hole in his head. Incorporating two severely injured and one dead spectator is a very difficult thing to incorporate into the act and even more difficult to fake as there are too many witnesses. The video of the man being carried down the steps was not an actor, it was a dead attendee of the rally. There is no graceful way to remove a dead body from the stands.

What ultimately perished any thought that this was a stage production was the lack of clear crisis actors. It's really difficult to find good crisis actors and their performances are often over-acted and amateurish, scripted towards a specific political goal. Where are the multitudes of interviews with red-hats preaching to the cameras that "we need sensible gun control"?

This event does have a psychological effect, no doubt. But it was a genuine event, which is much more effective than anything faked.

Perhaps You will examine My perspective:

The Trump Show (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/the-trump-show

Interesting that the photos of "the deceased shooter" showed someone with very dried blood... Many hours left there unmoved must have passed before the image was taken. What if... That was taken of a murder victim that was found (at any time) and used as "evidence?" Psyops would use that if needed... Just saying.

Also of interest is that the "killed" One in the audience had initials of CC - 33 - which may be just coincidence... But They do like Their 33's...

Anyway, I look forward to Your thoughts...

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I'm not unwilling to suspend disbelieve (or in this case belief) for a moment to examine the evidence. But I need really good evidence.

very dried blood

If you have seen a photo with very dried blood, I'd be curious to see it. The photo I saw, the blood was coagulated, but still fresh. I also saw a video of a very alive person crawling around the roof before the shots, who was wearing the same clothing as the deceased.

There was also an eyewitness who says "they blew his head off" meaning whoever was crawling around there was visually made unalive in front of the crowd. Could that be part of the production? If it were a controlled environment, perhaps. But there are too many variables and too many unpredictable behaviors with a crowd that size.

Was the eye-witness a plant? Perhaps, I'd be willing to investigate this, but I haven't seen any evidence. His testimony to the reporter didn't sound like an crisis actor (my opinion) and nobody has refuted his testimony of seeing the shooter fired upon and killed. He was among the people in the crowd who saw the shooter on the roof with a rifle (before shots were fired) and tried to alert the Secret Service.

a murder victim that was found (at any time) and used as "evidence?"

How did they find a photo of someone deceased with a hole in his head who was wearing the exact same clothing so quickly?

initials of CC - 33... They do like Their 33's

They.... Freemasons. Is there any evidence connecting this to Freemasonry besides the numerology of the victim's initials being three and three? A lot of Freemasons do like their Trump.

Well, the blood thing I will leave - though the big stripe on Hid face surely looked dried to Me.

Yes, I give very high probability that all "witnesses" were paid to offer "what They saw." Some look and sound like They're delivering a memorized speech, even - the One who said He tried to alert People. And I ponder the prospect that everyOne there, or at least in that vicinity, was a "crisis actor." Making it very controllable.

If I was going to do a psyop like that, that is what I would do. Not tough at all.

Maybe They found the photo first, and dressed Their "shooter" up to fit.

As for "freemasonry," I say that is just one tentacle of the octopus - or maybe a milipus (so many tentacles) - the Ones writing the script, casting the actors, and directing from the wings. Likely with names like Orsini and Medici. (Rome never died.)

It's difficult to wrap One's head around the idea that everything We see on the literal world stage is a play... I go into it here:

What a Play! (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/what-a-play

~Play Circus.png

When I get a chance, I'll review the article, thanks for sharing it.


There are photos of the bullet in the air. Another person is dead and two seriously wounded.

This was a real and almost successful assassination attempt by a Trump opponent in an environment where Biden and the Democrats have been perverting the justice system and media to get Trump and encouraging violence.

Well, I think it's ridiculous to think such photos could not be faked. Perhaps You will examine My perspective?

The Trump Show (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/the-trump-show

I look forward to Your thoughts.

And the grieving daughters and devastated colleagues are all fake too. And the multiple eyewitness accounts huge number of videos from all sorts of camera angles.
I'm sure that's all faked too.

And Trump's personal testimony that he was shot in the ear. I suppose you think that's fake too.

While I was not there personally so cannot 100% verify, the overwhelming evidence is that President Trump was almost killed by an assassin and that faking such a 1mm miss due to a last minute slight head movement is absolutely impossible.

Have You ever heard of crisis actors? Are You One that thinks that a school closed for 3 years for asbestos, with zero internet activity which had been very active up to the point of closure, had students and teachers killed there by (yet another) "lone gunman?"

Yes, I give very high probability that "victims" and "eye witnesses" were fake (I cringed listening to One "witness" that achingly sounded like He was reciting a memorized script).

And yes Trump was in on it. Good grief.

And the fact that the top of the ear, a place I scraped once and bled profusely from for 15 minutes, showed zero signs of bleeding (We never see actually bleeding) looking more like a blood pack applied... Believe Me if it bled as much as the drips down the face suggest, it would have continued to bleed for at LEAST five more, but We never see any more blood (like We wouldn't with a blood pack) suggests that only a desire to believe it's true keeps People from seeing the evidence.

Also, there is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense.

This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the crown and scepter of Jerusalem. You might want to think about Your POV a bit. I think They got the sandy hooks They cast into Your emotions to drag You where They want You in deeply.

It was all over the news here as well. I follow quite a few local channels on IG and they all had the shooting and all the photos as well. It was crazy, but I'm glad he is ok. Did you see the video with the guy saying he and his friends saw the guy on the roof with the rifle and tried to tell the police, but nothing happened? I wonder what's up with that...

Did you see the video with the guy saying he and his friends saw the guy on the roof with the rifle and tried to tell the police, but nothing happened?

Yes, several interviews with eye-witnesses. And a video of a Secret Service agent on another roof, gun sited on the shooter, seemingly waiting until shots were fired before taking him out. People are scratching their heads asking why this roof was unsecured. A convenient ladder was found leading up to it. Hmmmm....

Yikes! I hadn't heard about the SS agent waiting for the guy to fire a shot. That is pretty nuts!

The US was far less than an inch away from civil war. The bullet missed being fatal by less than half an inch. And only because Trump moved his head at the last 1/3rd of a second.
Truely Divine intervention.
The man who recognised Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital was saved by God, who gave Jerusalem and Israel to the Jewish People.

Trump Blessed Israel and was Blessed in return.

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes them. Daniel 2:20

The nation dodged a real bullet on this one... The secret service really screwed up to allow the shooter to even access a rooftop.. Thankfully he turned his head at the right moment or it would been a successful attempt. Our nation is just too divided right now, we're heading for a civil war or the breakup of the nation.

Divine intervention

To me when I heard the new was OMG
If the person like him is not safe in the a country like USA then no one is safe in my opinion.
I do not know the reality.. means is it real or scripted but what I know is that it was unfortunate that one person lost his life.


what do people think about this case in your place?
Do they support Trump?
I'm far, but this news is discussed world-wide now