We Are Alive! July 11th, 2024 Knocking 129 Doors!

in We Are Alive Tribe3 months ago

Another evening of walking and door knocking. IT was hot again, but not as hot as it has been. Once the cool rain of yesterday passed us by, the temperature and humidity has dropped. More manageable at 80 degrees F, but still uncomfortable in the direct sunlight.

This is the THIRD round of knocking and it shows. Many houses still have literature left on them from previous knockers, including myself. I experience a bit of DejaVu when I stand before a door I had previously knocked.

When I ring the doorbell or knock on the door, I typically wait about 15 seconds before putting literature on the door and begin to depart. It's about 20 - 25 seconds before I walk away. A few times, people answer the door as I'm am already on to the next house, I return to the door and apologize for "knocking and running". People are usually pretty understanding.

With my new Jetpack (portable wireless internet), I'm able to economize my time much better. While I was finishing the evening with 60 - 80 doors, now I'm finishing over 100. That's over 30 per hour!

Quantity over quality, doesn't mean I'm sloppy or cut any corners. It just means I drink an energy drink and buzz through a neighborhood like a whirlwind. AC in the car really helps keep me cool and saves time driving between houses that have some distance. Planning the route ahead of time also increases efficiency.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


Teach Your Children Liberty from Sin

We encourage parents to teach their children principles of Godliness, beginning with the Word and an understanding who God is and what His Son has done to form a relationship with us.

No one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, his workmanship will be evident, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will prove the quality of each man’s work. 1 Corinthians 3:11-13

Teach Your children Liberty from Tyranny

Second to this is the principle of self-determination and freedom, lest we loose the ability to teach our children the first principle in future generations.

Our children read the Tuttle Twin books, specifically to learn libertarian principles, which most people learn later in life. These books are useful for our family, and yours, to teach children concepts that seem complicated, but are made simple in these books. I am an affiliate for Libertas Publishing, your purchase will help our family grow financially.

Bank Bailout Special!

It's happening, folks. The banks are going under! To educate our children about what is going on, there is a "Bank Bailout Book Bonanza" going on with the Tuttle Twins! Use coupon code FORTY for 40% off your purchase! Check out the books here.

"Politicians like problems because they can claim to have solutions... but their solutions often create even more problems."


Ha! Funny sign. I'm guessing those people don't live there or just never use their front door who still have three flyers on it.

Ha! Funny sign.

I thought it was funny too. I just hope I don't get in trouble taking photos of stranger's houses. :-)

I'm guessing those people don't live there or just never use their front door who still have three flyers on it.

Yes, I can't in good conscience add yet another (duplicate) flyer on their door. I think they have enough already!

For real! People might think you are crazy taking a photo of their front door. 😅

Ha! Funny sign.

I thought it was funny too. I just hope I don't get in trouble taking photos of stranger's houses. :-)

I'm guessing those people don't live there or just never use their front door who still have three flyers on it.

Yes, I can't in good conscience add yet another (duplicate) flyer on their door. I think they have enough already!

The weather wasn't that hot even here in our city so we went for a walk.

That's nice. Nothing like a refreshing cool day in the summertime.