It was special going to the local convention with my wife. The children visited next door for the evening while the two of us (actually three) attended the county convention.
It was actually pretty dull. We were working ourselves up over nothing, as there was no confrontation or controversy. It was orderly and fast. We got there 6:45 and it was over by 8:15. After the speeches, etc we were driving home by 9.
Pretty good, after wondering if it would go late!
No one gave us trouble bringing Moses, he was a little squirmy, but mostly well behaved.
It was nice having an outing with just my wife and one baby. An uneventful evening. Praise the Most High.
Oh and it's official, we're going to Lansing on the 27th. For sure.
Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of six wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.
Bless the Most High!
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