Greetings everyone in the house 🏠.
I believe we are doing great while been alive.
Around the world people always get excited when is Friday. They go with the saying;" thank God is Friday" . Why do many people love Friday?
I guess is because Friday is the last day to weekend, or maybe fridays are for parties 😀. Whichever it is, people get happy when is Friday.
I spent my Friday well. Let me tell us about it.
Firstly I went to my work place, but didn't do any work because I was weak. I bought a bottle of Malt 🍾 and relaxed a little 😀.
After, I head over to visit @sammyhive but something happened. I met an old friend on my way to enter byc. She is a lady, although married. She couldn't let me go, she dragged me to her place. So I couldn't visit@sammyhive again, I'm sorry boss.
So after that I came back home and check my blog on #cinetv which I wrote earlier that day, I also checked my Larry post on #alive. This was how I spent my Friday. I didn't party, just visiting and blogging. Thanks for reading.
How do you spend yourself?