Congratulation on completing 4 out of 5 tasks.
Is surfing in CTPX one of the tasks now for finding Larry?
Congratulation on completing 4 out of 5 tasks.
Is surfing in CTPX one of the tasks now for finding Larry?
No, CTPX is not in the task list for larry.
leadsleap, listnerds, trafficadbar, infinitytrafficboost and freeadvertisingforyou are the 5 websites currently in finding larry.
For more details on the contest read this post - @lukeisalive/wkldzqrt
CTPX is one of the tasks you can do hunting Larry, I added it a while ago you can see the post about it here. You only need to do 5 of the 6 tasks in the hunt, doing all 6 is fine if you want but you can only get a maximum of 6 tickets for doing the tasks.
I see. Thanks for info.
I wonder, why it is not included yet! It is like a craze now, just like it was for listnerds before!
Larryisalive project is run by maddogmike and supported by flaxz.
CTP owners are not involved.