According to Lao Tzu, a journey of a thousand mile begins with a single step.
This means that one step to another gets one going, making the long journey a reality.
Man must look beyond what he sees in order to achieve what he feels like.
This very quote had done lots of work on me via motivating me to start something new, something better, something more creative. Just start something from somewhere. That's it.
My hive goals have been;
- Come online every single day
- Inspire people to do more through dropping one or more inspiring comments
- Engage in one or more challenges every week
- Familiarize with at least, 2 communities or tribes
These I've kept for years and it has been working perfectly for me.
It's the Lord's doing.
Am only a pencil in the hands of my creator.
Am alive and thriving.
How about you?