How to lose weight

in We Are Alive Tribe11 months ago

Losing weight

Taking care of yourself is very important. Don't get lost in your daily treadmill. It happens quite easily that you get fat over time and just when you notice it, it is too late. Not too late to start and do something against it, but it went way too far. So it happened a few years ago when I weighed way too much. I was close to 100 kg and that was the point I knew I had to do something. I started with weight lifting again and changed my eating habits. Soon I found my kettlebells and long story short, I lost over 20kg in nearly one year. Success!

Losing weight again

A few months ago it was nearly the same. Corona, personal stress, fewer workouts, and too much work lead me to 95 kg again. My focus went on more kettlebell workouts and keeping an eye on what and when I eat. Cutting out starchy carbs, sugar and increasing the vegetable part was easy. I'm doing also intermittent fasting and eating just 2 meals a day most times, sometimes just one meal. I have at least 16h without food and sometimes even longer.

And no, I'm not hungry all the time.

Intermittent fasting will help you lose weight and also heal your body.

  • After ~12h you go into ketosis and start burning fat.
  • After ~18h you are in full burning mode and have produced ketones.
  • Autophagy will start after ~24h which means that bad and dead cells are eaten away and the material will be recycled.

I like how the human body work!

You can go further and don't eat for 2 or more days.

  • After ~48h your human growth hormone is up to 5 times higher
  • After ~54h your insulin level is very low which can decrease inflammation

You should start this slowly especially if you are used to eating a lot of carbs and sweets. You will get the feeling of hunger because of your blood sugar.
Starchy carbs and sugar will increase your blood sugar and your body will try to reduce it when your blood sugar goes hard down, you get the feeling of hunger. Avoid high blood sugar fluctuations. This will make you crave more sweets and food.

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I lost 8.9 kg since I tracked it. It should be a bit more, but who cares. My body fat decreased from over 25% to 23.3% right now. I can see and feel it. I had to add another hole to my belt because my pants fell down.

Body Fat

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With discipline and diligence... you can do it!!!! !ALIVE

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There is more to gain being healthy and fit.

That is true!

Excellent job, Chris! You found a flow and practices that help you to thrive, which is fantastic! Big congratulations! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thank you, Tydyn! 🙏

Absolutely, you're so very welcome! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Keep doing what you are doing, It's always healthy to be fit (active)

Thank you, Emeka! 🙏

Great weight losing 👍
In my experience, fat burning is triggered after 48 hours without carbohydrate intake, Glycogen reserves are used up first.

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Thank you for your comment! 🙏

Great job chaosmagic23 on your prior weight loss and your work now on your weight loss. My stomach gets bloated and I'm not really overweight but getting bloated isn't good. I have a lot of trouble with my digestive system and very conscious of what I put into my body. I turned 70 and my middle is getting bigger than I would like so I do want to feel and look better. It is still important to me. I have tried a little fasting too and it really helps with the bloat with more water and less coffee. Too much coffee is bloating me along with too much fat in some of the protein I eat like cheese and peanut butter. So I will go some days without hardly eating the really fatty protein and sticking with the rice, quinoa, fruit and veggies. I do feel better too after this and the fasting because even me will want to eat too much junk like chips and candy LOL 😄😂 and I sit really long periods at the computer and will even go a week without any exercise! I have to exercise to prevent sagging skin that I can't stand !! 😱😱 That is not good at my age not to exercise because you need to keep your heart muscles strong. The older you get the more you need to do to stay and feel younger! Great job and thanks for the fasting tips. It also helps the digestion too. Barb 🤩👍 !BBH !CTP

I knew a guy with bloating and getting tired all the time. It was things like bread and other things (white flour) which causes these problems. I guess you have already seen a doctor so you know exactly what causes the problem for you. I would go for the fatty protein (meat) more likely than the rice (starchy carbs). Fat isn't that bad as we got told all the time and fat has a higher energy level than carbs (Building ATP = the energy that is used by your muscles all the time). People always think fat would make you fat but they forget that an over intake of carbs will let your body turn most of these carbs directly into fat cells (for the bad times).
Cheese could be a problem if you have problems digesting lactose. I would consider visiting a doc and checking for gluten and lactose intolerance. If it is just this you have many options nowadays.
Thank you for the comment and your nice words. If you have further questions, just let me know.
Stay !ALIVE my friend!

Thanks for your suggestions @chaosmagic23 I can't afford to pay for those kinds of examinations unfortunately, so I have to guess most of it. I know I am somewhat intolerant to the white refined food. I take supplements that help my blood sugar and energy. I don't like to eat hardly any meat. That's why I eat quinoa, brown rice, and mozzarella cheese that is low sodium. I know fat can be good. I eat some peanut butter too that is organic with no salt added. If I can't afford organic I get no salt added peanut butter. My problem is partly due to lack of funds and where I live or I would cook more vegetable like brown rice, yams, black beans. I would like to eat more vegetables but it's costly and I am not able to cook a lot here. I cannot cook here much or store my food very well in the refrigerator either. Someday I will make very good meals again. There is a lot of fat in peanut butter and it's good fat but maybe not the best nut butter. Not wanted to eat meat is much of my problem. When I get into a better living situation I will be able to eat much better with the vegetables and less cheese. When I was a child I was diagnosed to have allergies to wheat and wool. That was 60 years ago 😊😂 Thanks again for your help. Have a great rest of the week. Barb !BBH !CTP

It's a bummer that you can't get vegetables or they are too expensive. When the peanut butter is organic the fat should not be a problem. If the butter is very smooth you can tell for sure that they added 'bad' fat. Brown rice is better than white rice. Sorry to hear about your cooking and nutrition situation.
Best wishes!

Thank you so much @chaosmagic23 I still feel very fortunate and happy for what I can get. Yes brown rice has some nutrients and fiber. Quinoa has a lot of protein! It does the job even though it tastes a bit strange LOL 😂 Adding the brown rice makes the flavor not so potent. Quinoa is really good fried in olive oil with tofu. Now I like tofu and it's easy to digest and will make that soon. Organic tofu not GMO ingredients. Thanks again and I'll be fine. I'm tough 😆👍 Best wishes to you as well. 🌟🌟 !BBH !CTP

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My internal problems is partly from eating too much of the wrong thing and I have to when I have hardly any funds to spend like I would want to. Still I should try not to eat too much cheese, and yes I am intolerant to milk, so I will cut down on my cheese. Thanks again for your suggestions. I want to do all of your suggestions if and when I can afford to go to get tested for those problems and buy better food. 😊😊🌟🌟

I hope you get there and you can buy better food soon.

I will I know it will happen in the near future. I'm a tough old bird 😂😂😂 My mom use to say that LOL! I don't feel old today either. That is good. 😆 My brother is coming to visit and his wife. That will be a nice change. Thank you Chris @chaosmagic23 🌟🌟👍 !BBH !CTP

Dear @adcreatordesign, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @chaosmagic23.

I'm impressed with your tenacity! You have really stuck with your weight loss journey!


Thank you, Melinda!

Man, you are losing a lot of weight my friend.
keepo on going.

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Thank you! Around 80 kg is a good weight for me. It's not a problem if it is a bit more because muscles are heavier than fat. So it is more important to decrease fat percentage.

Awesome post. Keeping fit is a goal. Its healthy and encouraging. Keep burning the fat!

I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection

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Thank you for the comment and for including me on the curation list. 🙏

Es gibt ja auch die Theorie dass keto bei Krebs hilfreich ist. Nur hab ich echt das Problem dass mein Körper jetzt eh schon auf "Energie Notfall Level" läuft 🤔 hab's früher mal gemacht da war ich dann total fit. Aber Jetzt, weiß nicht.

Super wie konsequent du das durchziehst

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Ja, davon hab ich auch gehört und die chemischen Prozesse sagen zumindest dass die Entzündungen runter gehen und die Autophagie in Gang gesetzt wird. Krebszellen nähren sich wohl durch Zucker während gute Zellen mit Sauerstoff arbeiten. Durch das Fasten haben es die Krebszellen viel schwerer, heißt es und die Autophagie würde dann sogar die Krebszellen fressen.

Ich wünsche dir das du bald wieder fit bist! Viel Gesundheit für dich. !HUG !LUV !ALIVE

Ja wobei die Schulmedizin davon nicht überzeugt ist. Die sagen nur Zucker reduzieren und Fleisch vermeiden weil Fleisch Eiweiß der für Zellen am leichtesten verfügbare Baustoff ist.
Ich glaube ja, dass das Ganze viel komplexer ist und das gesamte biochemisch/seelische System inklusive Schlaf wach Rhythmus total durcheinander ist.
Warum wird nicht ein kompletter Screen gemacht? Warum wird nicht jeder Patient vor Chemo zum Zahnarzt geschickt? Warum gibt es nach einer großen OP "Krankenhaus Futter" ? Warum werden die Menschen die dort wirklich großartiges leisten nicht besser entlohnt?
Haha 🤣 das wird wohl eines Tages ein eigener Post zu dem Thema werden.

Auch interessant: angeblich haben die meisten Krebspatienten zwar viel Stress, aber zu wenig Adrenalin weil sie dies zuvor über lange Zeit verausgabt haben und es ist sehr schwierig das wieder in Balance zu bringen

Danke ❤️ und ich wünsche dir dein Traum wohlfühl Gewicht

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Dear @beeber, you just got hugged.
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You are loosing lots of weight there.
Your routine and plans are working.

Yes, it works. Thanks for commenting.

You are welcome

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Nice sharing. I will learn from you!

Very nice! I hope it will help you.

Wow, what a nice advise and strategy in weight loss. This makes for a healthy living.

Thank you so much! 🙏

You are welcome

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