Alive And Thriving - March 10 2022 - Awesome Posts Collection


Made in Desygner, photo by @flaxz

Alive And Thriving - March 10 2022 - Awesome Posts Collection

Welcome to our daily curation report featuring awesome content posted with the #AliveAndThriving tag in the We Are Alive Tribe, and moderated by Team Alive.

Posts Moderated By @iamraincrystal
@mypathtofire shares the day of prepping for school by cycling. Truly sounds like a good day too. A day such as this may sound typical for some, but for me, I think it's perfect.
Today, @jacoalberts takes us on another tour. So glad to see these virtual tours as I get to visit many lovely places without leaving the home. Do check it out.

Posts Moderated By @benthomaswwd
@iamraincrystal reminds us to be reflect on being thankful as we approach the weekend
@daniky reminds us what a privilege it is to be alive as he reflects over loss
@icon-bassey shares about trust one of the most important virtues to building any relationship personal or business

Posting Guidelines

Here is our official guide, We Are Alive Tribe - The Guide.

Join We Are Alive Discord

Trade our tokens on Tribaldex.



And this is our specific posting guidelines for #AliveAndThriving content in the We Are Alive Tribe.

  • The 4 points of #AliveAndThriving, the first point is mandatory, then add one or more of the rest, share your journey to thrive in life.

Made in Canva

Team Alive

This is the members of Team Alive that are moderating #AliveAndThriving content in the We Are Alive Tribe.

8e3493708303a0c08464289c9a9e69e819bcfbf7cd77aed5c6a87fae8f95cf2e.0_copy_200x200.jpg@iamraincrystalModerator/Alive Video Master - 20211227_133449_0000.png
benthumbsupoffice_copy_200x200.jpg@benthomaswwdModerator - 20211227_133748_0000.png
Screenshot_20211227-140210_copy_200x200.png@ddn688Moderator - 20211227_133517_0000.png

Thank You!

Thank you very much for checking out our curation report, make sure to also check out the awesome posts featured here, and ...

Stay safe, awesome and alive!

Team Alive

Made in Desygner and Adazing



Thank you for including my post in this collection, I do appreciate it!

And congratulations to everybody who has their work included in this collection!

You are most welcome
Have an awesome weekend my friend😎

Made in Canva

- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

@jacoalberts! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (8/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thank you for the tokens! I do appreciate them!


 2 years ago Reveal Comment