Alcohol And What It Does To The Society.

in Hive Learners4 months ago

When I was about to start my business, I began to rack my brain thinking of what I can sell. I’ve always loved groceries and I’m glad that’s what I’m into right now coupled with the fact that my mum has been doing it for over fifteen years and I know so much about it. Before I concluded on what to sell, I was thinking about alcohol but I didn’t later venture it because it requires one who has so much action to do it.


Would you believe that alcohol is one of the fastest selling goods here in my country? I don’t know about other countries but I’m sure of Nigeria. I’ve noticed that so many people love to spend their money on things that they cannot benefit from or things that will ruin them and that’s we see so many people spending too much on drugs and alcohol.
Unfortunately, it is ruining the lives of our youths. Not just youths these days but people who venture into it.

Is the damaging effects of drugs more than that of alcohol?

I don’t believe that one is more than one. Taking too much of alcohol or drugs will surely have an effect on some parts of your body. If it gets damaged, the person will lose his or her life and even before the death, such a person must have spent a lot of money for his survival but some of them are unfortunate and won’t survive.


These days, especially the youths, they are taking too much of it that they never want to know that they’ve got limits for whatever they do. We’ve seen so many people who roam mad on streets and it doesn’t make any sense. There was a day when I was in my mum’s shop and a man was who was so drunk and couldn’t control himself until he fell inside the gutter. What kind of life is that? I take alcohol but not so deep and I can’t get married or even date someone who drinks to stupor.

Does banning of alcohol have anyway of making the society better?

Firstly, let’s take a look at the rate in which people buy alcohol. It’s insane. There are some people who prefer to drink alcohol instead of feeding their families. That’s to show you how dear alcohol is to some people. They abandon their wives who has kids for them at home, leave the house very early in the morning and get back home in the midnight. When they get home, they still won’t drop a dime for their family members after they must have spent a lot of money out there. Do you believe that things like this causes broken homes? Do you know how much harm broken homes has caused to the society? It’s crazy but it’s fact.

There are some people who take too much alcohol and alcohol is known to dull the part of the brain that controls how the body works. Each time you take alcohol, the liver filters the alcohol and some of the liver cells die. Just take a look at what we are doing to our body and this causes untimely death.

At the same time, a lot of people complain about how bad the economy is which we all know but those set of people will be the ones to spend too much money on alcohol forgetting that they’ve got priorities or important things to do.


Alcohol is doing more harm than good to the society. I’m sure that people will still take it in the corners if it banned but the rate of taking it will reduce.



Alcohol is just as if not more harmful as many drugs, I agree. And one of the problems, I think, is that it's so normalized. Many people go out to party on the weekends and get drunk to stupor, for example, so people are less likely to question if they use too much. I grew up in a home with alcoholism, which is exactly why I don't drink. I saw how bad it can be (and I understood that addiction is inherited; if you don't start, you can't become addicted, eh?).
However, the US tried to ban it in the 1920s, and it only led to more crime and violence! Because the mafia became where most people got their drink, so they became very rich and powerful. Currently, too, we also know that the "war on drugs" started in the 60s or 70s doesn't work, either. Criminalizing drugs has helped the US become the nation with I think it's around 25% of all people in prison in the world, even though we're only like 5% of the world population.
In places where drugs are treated like a health problem, they have better results helping people break addiction (of course, you probably also need free healthcare... ). Plus you have less people dying because they can go to use drugs at a safe injection site, so if they overdose there are nurses there to help them, clean needles so they don't get an infection, etc. And then when they are ready to quit, they can ask for help without worrying about being arrested.
However, alcohol is perfectly legal and it's use doesn't seem to slow down. I didn't know what the answer is, except that I think we need societal level change, like so many things. There is that experiment from the 70s I think where if they gave rats a boring home with nothing to do, the rats drank water with drugs; but if they had a healthy home with friends and activities, they choose regular water with no drugs.

I never knew America has 25% of their citizens in prison. That’s a whole lot. I just feel people need to be enlightened. They need to know the effects of alcohol on the body and reduce how they take it

No, not 25% of Americans, but 25% of all prisoners in the world. So if the total number of people in prison in the entire planet is 100k, 25k of them are here.

Alcohol has truly broken homes as a result of the lifestyle on consumers. People keep empty bottles on their tables as a show of prowess in alcohol consumption. Moderating its consumption would be a step ahead

It’s really sad but a lot of people feel they are living their best lives that way or doing the right thing

You are right, alcohol is the fastest selling goods in our country, even because of alcohol it has broken so much happy home. To me if you drink alcohol it's not bad but you shouldn't drink to stupor, some people will drink alcohol to stupor that when walking they won't even know when they will fall into the gutter.

It’s not even making sense
Imagine someone’s father taking alcohol to the point of falling inside the gutter
The person will be ashamed

The effect of alcohol on us is beyond control, most people are addicted and would rather drink it than drink water.

It's funny how it's selling so well and that's why bars and club are full despite how we complain of bad economy.

I would like it to be ban or people educated to regulate and minimise their consumption.

It’s selling so well and do you know that in some big and expensive clubs here, some people spend millions of naira on alcohol?

Your observations about the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Nigeria, especially among youths, highlight a concerning trend. The detrimental effects of excessive alcohol consumption and drug abuse are indeed significant and can lead to severe health problems and societal issues.

It’s important to stay away from such things so we won’t be doomed!


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