Best Tools For Content Creation! .:. Recap of Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.18 (2024-03-20: HHHLive Show recording)

in Hive Learners4 months ago

We had a fantastic #HHHLive show on Wednesday in the Ecency Discord server where experienced Hivians were sharing their favorite tools for content creation! It's a pity that we didn't have newbies in the live stream as it was a very valuable show... Luckily, I have recorded the show for you guys who were unable to attend it! By the way, I have learned about tools that I didn't know, and I bet that other participants also heard things that they weren't aware of before!

So, if you are a content creator and you would like to make your posts more beautiful, nicer, and better formatted, you have to check out the attached video with a recording of the 18th episode of the Hive Humpday Hangout show! (scroll down to find the video!)

Recap of HiveHumpdayHangout 18.jpg
Created in

The real beauty of HIVE is the people that we can find here... I'm very grateful that some of them were able to attend the show, as they were unselfishly sharing tips about the tools that they are using for creating "better" content... Some of them came in voice and explained how some of these apps work, and others were sharing tips in the chat section...

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The general idea before the show was to split these tools into 3 main categories, but in the end, we got one additional category that I skipped... I will share the links to the mentioned apps here in the post, and to find out more about them, I would suggest you PLAY the video!



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Photo editing

Video editing

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Don't forget to check out the show recording below!

As you have maybe noticed, we had some new voices in Wednesday's show... For the first time we had @macchiata and @mysteriousroad in the show, and later in the show @ahmedhayat joined us... Besides them, we had the old #HHHLive team that is almost every week, helping others on the Hive journey, @duskobgdm, @incublus, @melinda010100, @mypathtofire, @palomap3, and @quekery! I'm truly grateful to have you guys in the show! Hive Humpday Hangout wouldn't be what it is without you! ❤️

As usual, we had fun in the after-show where we discussed different things, but we kept that "confidential" for the participants... 😃 Just kidding, of course... We talked about crypto stuff mostly, but it is always a mix of topics... Come to the next show and take part in the fun!

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Thank you, guys and girls, once again! As a sign of appreciation, I will send some LEN tokens to all participants of the live show! You can pair them with LENM tokens, add liquidity to the diesel pool, and earn rewards! If you want to learn more about the project behind it, check out the @liotes account or visit the Liotes website... Of course, if you are not interested in it, you can sell tokens on the Hive-Engine market...

To encourage more people to come on the mic, I have sent an additional 100 Ecency POINTS to people who shared their thoughts in voice with us (this time we had 3 participants in voice)! So POINTS are going to @quekery, @macchiata and @incublus!

Special thanks goes to @melinda010100 and @good-karma for providing the space for the event!

Thank you for your time,

If you would like to support me, the easiest way to do it is to follow my account and vote for Liotes Hive Witness!
Appreciate your consideration and support!

Check out these links to the previous shows:

Consistency and Adding Value .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.17
After Show Show .:. Special (no recorded) Edition of Hive Humpday Hangout #2
CBRS Philanthropy Chat With @minigunner! .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.16
Profit Taking Planning .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.15
Ecency/Hive Chat With @good-karma! .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.14
Relaxed "Exclusive" Session .:. Special (no recorded) Edition of Hive Humpday Hangout
Writer's Block and How To Overcome It .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.13
Hive-Engine Tokens .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.12
Hive Guidelines for Newbies .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.11
NY Resolutions and Creating Hive Goals .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.10
How Was Your (HIVE) 2023? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.09
Presenta tu comunidad - ES/EN Show! - Part 2 .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.08
Present Your Community - Part 1 .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.07
How to Start on Hive? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.06
Do You Upvote Quality Posts? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.05
Genuine? Authentic? To be or not to be? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.04
Hive Power, HP Delegation, HivePUD... .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.03
Hive Meetups, HiveFest, HiveBeeCon .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.02
Pilot Episode (Aired 2023-10-18) - The Vision .:. Hive Humpday Hangout

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


It was an awesome show! hope to join next time too. Sorry @incublus, I couldn't attend your show, my grandma passed away yesterday.

May her rest in peace. No problem at all Cemy. I'm so sorry to hear that 😔

Thanks for participating in the show! It was great to have you and you have added tons of value to the show and to readers/viewers of this post!

I'm sorry for your loss... 😪🙏

Those are some nice tools. I ended up watching the recap but forgetting to comment until now. It's kind of amazing to see all the tools that people use and I never really had the issue of writing in English because I grew up in the US. So I guess I never understood the issues for those writing as their second language.

Oh, man... You don't understand the pain that we, non-English speakers have... 😂 For me, I learned a lot about additional tools for image and video editing that I will try for sure!

You actually made me remember Grammarly app. It is really good and I’d download it again
Thanks so much for sharing

You are welcome! Grammarly is great and I'm using it every day!

This week the show was amazing one more time! I discovered new tools thanks to all the participants. Now I have to do my own research about them. (Note taking apps nerd here, lol). 😁

I have already poked around some apps, but didn't manage to install them on Linux... lol... Well, it looks like I will be busy on the weekend by trying again... 😃

That was a very informative show, man. I'll download YouCut on my phone for video editing and give it a try.

It was a great show indeed! I also tried to install the CapCut that @macchiata mentioned, but it wasn't easy to do it on Linux... It looks like I will try it on the mobile phone too 😂

It was amazing mate. I liked your show. Will try to join earlier next time. Haha

Thank you very much! The people who participated made it amazing! Thanks for attending!
See you next time!

Thats a huge quantity of stuff, thanks for sharing!

It Will take days to look all of It 😂

Hehehe... It is... You don't have to use them all... Find your favorite and give it a go! I can't imagine doing things without Grammarly and Canva, for example... :)

I knew Canva by nane but always tought It was hard to use

It is super-easy... You have great templates, but also, you can be creative too... Give it a try as it has a free version ;)

I only use canva but will try Pixlr and photopea 😃

I was poking around that video editor, but I will need some time to make it work...

Thanks for participating in the show... It was just a few minutes, but I hope that you will stay longer next time!

Have a great weekend!

Thanks a lot @ph1102 for the link, the advices and also for supporting my work.

You are welcome! If you learned something, we are all winning! 🙂

Thanks for taking time for visiting my post!

Hey @ph1102, how are you doing? I can't vote can you please check the error for me? Thanks

You have already voted, so everything is OK!
Thanks for your support! Appreciated!

Really 😲
I think I didn't do this before huh

Sorry I missed the show, I was doing karate stuff lol

You should change your profession and get your Karate Trainer license! 😃
To monetize your time in karate stuff... 😂

Yes, that would be an idea. My wife actually got the license lol

I myself use software like this to edit photos and videos, the show was great.

We have shared multiple apps... Which one do you mean?

!discovery 30

Thanks for the curation! Appreciated!

Thanks for sharing this😊

You are welcome! Don't forget to check out the video as you can hear more details about those tools!

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