Even The Wise Can Be Wrong||My Live Experience

in Hive Learners9 months ago

Even The Wise Can Be Wrong||My Life Experience

Hello everyone good day to you all. I am someone that believes no one is perfect on the surface of planet earth, everyone is driving towards perfection but learning never stops and everyday we keep learning new things.

Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz
You seize to live when you stop learning because you begin to die when you stop adding value to yourself and maybe people around you. Since I believe no one is perfect, I'm always open for corrections and sometimes for collective ideas to achieve a particular aim. Though collective idea profits most times, there are issues that you need to attend to them personally specially when it has to do with self discovery and development, one needs to be intentional about this ones.

I love advices but I make sure I sieve all advices and work with the one my mind agrees to. I once come across a journal that made me to understand that we have inexperienced people that also grow old, this means even the old people can give you a wrong advice of which I find the article reasonable. I've run errands for my aunt who was like a mum to me and have also shared allot of ideas together with her. One of them that I can remember that my opinion turned out to be the right thing was during last two year's festive period, we were making Chin-chin (African snack) and I was in charge of cutting the dough into small pieces for frying.

Photo by Keesha's Kitchen
I remember I cut allot and was accumulating too many of them in the rubber because my aunt didn't started the frying early. I suggested to her that I stop and let her fry the one I've cut already because it looks like it is clustering together again but she insisted that I should continue cutting it and that she knows what she's doing.

She went further to explain that when she puts the dough in the hot oil, it will separate and become normal. Of course I didn't disrespected her so I continued the work she gave me to do. After a short while when she came packing the sliced dough from the rubber, all of them clustered back as if we were just about to start mixing the dough together for cutting. I could see it on her face she knew she was wrong about what she said but I dare not tried to prove myself right, I was just bothered about time and the fresh energy I will have to dispense again starting afresh. We started the process all over again and gradually we finished making the chin-chin (African snack) that day.

I understand that we can all go wrong sometimes and our parents aren't machines or programmed computers, they can also be wrong sometimes too but we can't deny the fact that they've got higher experience in many aspects of life than us. I am privileged to recieve a kind advice from my aunt sometime last year. I had a little misunderstanding with someone from the family. She knows I'm right but she advice me to lower myself and act like I don't know what's going on while I get what I want. Of the truth we the youths are filled with allot of energy to cause troubles or approach situations violently but I adhered to my aunt's advice everything turned out to be for my good.

In a nutshell, everyone can be right and everyone can be wrong, the ability to admit and take corrections is what makes the difference. We shouldn't disrespect our parents because we feel they're wrong over things we feel we are right, we should give them a max respect and also be ready to listen to them, we should be vigilant and also try to weigh things down before making use of their advices because they are humans and they're also bound to make mistakes.

Thank you for reading through my entry for Hive Learners weekly events for Week 96 edition two.

Thank You


Such experiences Isn't nice at all. And at that point, they can still claim to be right instead of admitting their wrongs. I could imagine the stress you guys went through that day

It wasn't easy my dear, but what else will I do, I just gently start it up again from afresh since I understand that everyone can make mistakes...