Family Fun Time In The Midst of Economic Hardship

in Hive Learnerslast month

These past six months have been a trying time for me especially because I left my former job to begin a new one. You know what they say about a chicken getting to a new place…… It does not stand on two legs. The chicken would learn what obtains in the new environment. That is how I have led my life in the beginning of the year. As a teacher, one is expected to comport and bring the best out of the learners. Seriously, teaching is a.difficult job if you asked me, when compared to administrative duties, one would not be at mercy of trying to control or influence another person. I wish that teachers are well remunerated.

However, I have found a way of having fun with my family despite the change of work and the economic hardhip we are facing currently in our nation.


In March, we organized a family love feast. This time, I was meant to prepare the meals. You know, it felt like a gang up against. My children wanted me to prepare the meals while my wife would handle drinks. We had agreed to stop drinking carbonated drinks. So, she would be preparing fruit juice.
On the said day, when we were to begin the indoor game, a knock at the door wasn't what I expected.

Who is at the door?

I reluctantly went to get the door by myself but guess what? It was my mom. I got shivers all over my body. I never expected that my mother would come over. Now that she is here, we are going to be having the fun of our lives. My children love to be around my mom, their grandmother. She came with some gifts for the children as usual.

We started the feast by taking the home made juice of watermelon and pineapple. Believe me, nothing compares to making your juice by yourself.

We were outside when my mother decided to tell a story of why humans have a backbone. I knew immediately that the kids will love that. I have heard her tell this story and I loved it as a child back then. Though, it is a fiction, the story taught some morals. Maybe I will share some other day.

I can't imagine that my wards can be so quiet until grandma started telling the story. They were so quiet and listened with complete attention. Their rapt attention was a total disbelief to me. After a short while, grandma completed the story and they all gave a round of applause for her suspense fills story telling skills.

Grandma, please, tell us another story.

My mother smiled back at the children and said:

I will tell you another story when you come over to my house.

I knew she would say that. She has always wanted the kids to come around.

After all that, we played a mixture of monopoly and Scrabble. It was fun playing Monopoly with the ladies. My mom and wife combined to unseat me as the champion while I bought over the utilities on the board. This game took about three hours but in the end, it was inconclusive. We agreed to end it that way while we retire to eat the the sumptuous meal prepared by my honourable self.

As soon as the food was served mother tasted it looked at me but I pretended not to see her do that.

My son made this stew, right?

My wife could not believe it.

Yes, Mama. How did you know?

I wondered how she managed to fizzle out who made the stew.

This is how his father's stew tasted.

My wife giggled as continued to munch away.

My father taught me well.

I said proudly with my shoulders high like I wore shoulder pads. It was a great evening as we talked of old times, late into the night. We woke up the next morning around 9:00 AM. I was the first to be up. Again, I took to the kitchen to prepare breakfast of sauces eggs with bread and tea.

We have a plan underway to have the next family love feast in July. This time, I'd be bringing my mother-in-law. It's all a game and I want to beat my wife at it.

Image generated via ideogram


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I wish that teachers are well remunerated.

Don't worry it'll happen in our time.

I smiled all through the reading of this blog. You did a great narration.
Let's believe that you'll beat your wife at the game.

Hehe! You know, women think they are better at planning a surprise, my plan will be unmatched.
Thank you for coming around.