I didn't realize I'm becoming a workaholic until I started to think on what I'd want to let go for this year. I've always thought I'm of the lazy group of people, always running from too much work and resting too much even when there is a lot to do.
No, I'm not saying I want to change that. It's a bit sad to announce that, that habit of mine has long gone on extinct even without me realizing it. I don't rest anymore, I once said it's a waste of time to sleep now or even eat. That's the level of how busy I feel I am and this is not good at all.
What I would want to give up this year is, Having an unbalanced daily routine.
There are so many wrongs in this habit of mine and I can't believe I actually lived with it through last year, doing so much in less than the 24 hours I have with less sleep and even time to have fun with family and friends. I know what is to blame is my inability to realise and set a balance to everything that needs to be done and put some time aside to rest.
I have never been the hardworking kind and I don't enjoy to work too much but somehow, I do that more effortlessly than I would in the past. I don't know what changed, or maybe it's because I've become one with so many goals to achieve until before when I just act or live like tomorrow will be better anyways.
Well, it's not a bad thing that I do have goals to achieve now but it's bad that I'm priotizing them all over my health and peace of mind. And I want to undo that this year, it's definitely not going to be easy as I do have even bigger goals set to achieve for this year.
What difference would it make?
I'll get to have more time for all the fun things my mind crave for but I've not been paying attention to. Spend more time improving myself emotionally and mentally toward personal growth that I think would help me function more properly as a human in my offline duties as time progresses.
I'll have more time to think, worry, and spend with my family. I think I've been neglecting all that too, like I don't give a damn anymore to what could be happening around as I've been thinking I have too much in hand to worry about that. It's kinda good but I want to put a limit to it.
How do I plan to achieve this?
I plan to do one thing at a time, take a breath or rest without holding back. I may end up not meeting up with some set goals or delay to achieve what needs to be achieved but the rest is just as important so yeah, one at a time.
Setting alarms to remind me to take a rest, calling friends at least twice a week, spending more chat time with my family and visiting friends even when I don't feel comfortable leaving the house.
I've become too comfortable at home and that's not so good, I want to change that and I believe this would also help me maintain a more balanced daily routine to get rid of a repetitive daily routines.
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