Let's live the moment πŸ˜‰

in Hive Learners β€’ 8 months ago

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy πŸ˜€

Life is another name of ups and downs, and sadness and happiness are parallel to each other, if you're happy then it's an obvious thing that sadness also will come in your life too. As it's the part of life too. We people, mostly start to think about that maybe worst thing's only happens to us. But actually everyone face these in different ways.

Image by Dema Biofani from Pixabay

I'm the kind of person, who overthinking and then overthinking ruined everything, it disturbs many things and my peace of mind is on the top and my physical health also affected due to this overthinking.

Why not giveup on overthinking!!!

I come to the point, that by thinking things till late night we can't get solution, we just become ill by not having a proper nap and wasting our time in overthinking we can't sleep and then never woke up fresh in early morning. Overthinking actually isn't the solution of things.

But I can't stop myself to do overthinking!!!

Maybe, it becomes my habit to feel thing's more and to think about them more and more. It start from a single thing and then questions like what if...... Make it more complex and complicated.

But I've believe on myself!!!!

I know a time when procrastinating was on top in my life, and delayed in many things was my habit but in past two years i change this habit and now i do things on time which has very significant impact on my life. Similarly, i know to giveup from overthinking is also very hard but i can do it really if i want to do so as i believe if i decided to do something then nature will also help me.

Image by 1825147 from Pixabay

So, how I'll overcome on overthinking???

The first step i took it to live in present and live in the moment and stop think about future and of past. I was living in future mostly that what if this happens?? What if that happen??? What if I can't?? What if is the main problem. And the only solution is to live in the present.

Let's take an example of Hive!!!

I start my account from zero, i know things take time to settle in, i gave time and someone said to me that after 1k HP you can easily make HP mean it'll not take too much time to make another 1k HP next but my growth is same here as it was in first 1k. I was feeling disappointed because somewhere my expectations hurt's.

I start to overthink and in all the way i came to the point that I'm on mistake and maybe I'm not doing well on hive but now i leave thinion time. That's why i didn't set any hard goals for 2024 because i know I'll hurt if i can't achieve.

And i leave thing's on time, now i don't have to take part in any race to complete some goals just I've walk with sea shores.

Image by Annette from Pixabay

That was about hive, but i do the same thing about other things in my real life and leave everything on time and start to live the moment.

  • That's all for today and it's also for this week hive learner contest in hl-exclusive for the topic hl-w96e3

Thank you for your time and support πŸ’«πŸ€

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Truth is when you focus on what you are yet to achieve and the hurdles to your achieving them too much, you will be discouraged and may stop the journey altogether. Overthinking is not good and like you said can cause a lot of health issues and even making one make a wrong decision that may cost one so much in life.

Sometimes when things aren't going the way you desire, it's okay to take a break, look at it and try to figure out what you are doing wrong or what you are not doing at all.

We do not have power over the future, the past is gone and what we have now is the present. Do the best you can and leave the rest. Eventually, everything will sort itself out.

Yes we should focus on what we achieve and in that way we can live happily. Otherwise we ruined ourselves.

Taking a break from our goals is also a way to ready ourselves to start again and focus again on things.

Yes we don't have control on past and fury but we can control our thoughts and minds and it'll help us to live in the present.

Thank you for your appreciation πŸ’«


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woah. you're taking a pretty hard challenge here to not overthink. This is something that is like part of our character. I know how you feel because I'm an overthinker / somewhat of a perfectionist hence i keep thinking how to improve or if this is really the best but then again this also depends on what thing lol if its something i dont care as much about i wont need it to be perfect.

I honestly, think overthinking can be good at times. Try to draw the good from overthinking but keep the bad stuff about it away. I'm not sure if i make sense lol but i hope you understand

Wow so another over thinker is here in front of me, yes it's bad but sometimes it's good too especially when we start to know about things, i can relate what you want to say exactly πŸ’―

O.O yes. its hard not to overthink especially when doing something or something that hasn't been done or maybe something thats going to happen lol. can really overtthink about anything

I will not say that’s over thinking is totally bad but it’s sometimes make you think about things that you’re not supposed to worry about

Yes it's not bad all time but it's bad for sometime when we start to be more negative

That is very hard to do, I am a person that overthinks a lot and it is part of my healing process to be better in this area but I guess it is more difficult to abandon that compared to chocolate!

Yes, it's hard to do but i think we can do it if we really want to do this but actually now it becomes a part of life

We should neither think about our past mistakes nor think about our future. We should only focus on our present and take better steps for success. And this will fix our future automatically without us having to think

Living in the present is really grateful but actually we people start to think about our past problems and then start to think about our future which totally destroys our present too 😐

Overthinking hurts the heart and makes ok drag on issues over and over again and I wish you all the best in making sure all of this goes away swiftly, I know it's hard dealing with disappointment, but with time and your plans I know you'll achieve this.

Yes, it's really difficult to handle our disappointment and failures but with time and new plans we can do this,

Thank you for your appreciation πŸ’«πŸ˜Š

@vickoly says - Overthinking can be dangerous for our health because of the attention put towards it, I hope you'll finally be able to overcome that this year.

Manual Curation by sagarkothari88, Suggested By @vickoly
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It's really dangerous and hope so till the last of the year i can overcome this πŸ˜ƒ

Thank you

Overthinking is also one of my bad habit but I know there are many people who are kings and queens of overthinking. I cannot beat their level. They are pro in it.
There is my friend who speaks loudly in the class but later when he goes back to room then he just thinks about his day. Even day and night he questions about his life in his overthinking.

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Huhhh really some are pro in it and i think I'm a pro in overthinking, every night i think about day and the mistakes i do make me guilt and then that thinking cross it's limits 😬

Thank you for your appreciation πŸ’«πŸ˜Š