Adulthood and its benchmark

in Hive Learners9 months ago

Greetings everyone!🙌

As we grow, we reach a point where we become adults and can make decisions independently. This stage marks a transition from dependence on others to self-reliance. It's a pivotal moment in life, where we take control of our choices and responsibilities, shaping our own paths and destinies.

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Whenever I think that 18 years is actually the benchmark to pick adulthood, I always laugh because when I got to 18 years, I was still feeding directly from my mom's pot. Not only that, I was still very much answerable to them and living under their roof. I remember the time when I gained admission, I was very small, and each time those lecturers wanted to address us with the "Mr." title attached to our names, they would laugh, and we would laugh as well.

To me, I think the age for adulthood should start from 25 years, and by then, even though the person is not through with school, the person should know how to cater for him or herself to some extent from school experiences. You know, school life has a way of exposing someone to see opportunities and know not to push for survival, especially if someone is from a poor background.
For the person that didn't go to school, within the age of 25 years, he or she should have been able to get something to do, either by getting mastered in a local trade or skill.

By the way, what is adulthood?

Is it not when someone is able to fight for himself and make decisions for himself? Of what need is someone being an adult at 18 years and still being controlled and fed by parents? No, no! It doesn't sound well at all.

Thinking deeply on it, it's actually civilization that brought about this benchmark of picking 18 years or any age at all for adulthood. From what I saw while growing up and checking back at how the era of my dad, how they got married and started life, this age thing didn't really matter. They picked up their lives and started living alone as soon as they were able to make things work for themselves.
Age was not really used to identify who had gotten to adulthood or not; it was just based on their maturity level, which is actually not measured with age.

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Those people, some of them picked up their life while in school, and some also picked up their life while learning a skill.

Is it still like that today?
Oh yeah, adulthood on a good standard should be measured by how mature someone is, and somehow, that's the way we are currently living. There are a lot of people out there who are below 25 years and living well with no issues at all or showing traces of childishness in them, while there are also people who are 30 to 40 years old and still acting like children. The "acting like children" here doesn't mean laughing and cracking jokes; no, it's totally about how these people handle things.

Thanks for reading!

This is my entry to the Week 112, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community


Seriously this is the age that should be consider by my country because at 18 this kids are really small

Yeah, 18years is just a baby age👍

Yea dear

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25 years of age is actually a more sensible year to mark maturity especially when the individual has got his footings right and responsible enough.

I also picked 22-25years as the most suitable for adulthood
But do you know that Age has nothing to do with maturity? It's just a number👍

If someone of 18years can't fend for himself he shouldn't be an adult. I don't think maturity should be measured with age.