What makes one an adult is the mental age

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Looking at things from different perspective people may see in with different understanding. One can no vividly say that this is the real age for adult hood. We also have different cultures that affects our understanding of things and so one may say that from eighteen years one has gotten to that age where he or she can take a decision like an adult, but some will say no. There reason for saying no is that they believe that once one gets to sixteen years he or she is seen as an adult.


I think that the question is not just going to be based on the age instead it should be based on maturity. Some individuals gets matured at a very tender age, and it makes them see things differently from their age mates. Some also get matured gradually and you can't compare them with someone who got matured early. What I am saying in essence? Let's do a little analysis from my observations.

I have two kids in my house born in the same day with a little gap of two hours. These kids from when they were small have different way of reasoning. One understands things very fast and will give you the kind of response you need. The second child will take two more days to understand what you meant and even at that the response you will get will only annoy you. There maturity and way of handling things differs so we can't say categorically that they should have an ideal adult age together. One will become an adult while they second one will still be thinking as a child.

Left for me, I can say that an ideal adult age should be twenty two for everyone, but it won't be fare for everyone. Some gets matured at the age of eighteen, some get matured at the age of twenty, yet another one gets matured at the age of twenty two. Based on these factors we can simply say that we don't have the same ideal adult age.

When I was growing up I saw so many of my mates doing things that sound strange to me. I never understood what they were doing and I never cared to asked because it was beyond me. Years later I came to understand what they did in the past but they have grown pass that age, for me that was when I came to the age that they left behind yet we were mates. I use to be very naive. Very very slow when it comes to things happening around me. Something that I am sopposed to know today will be understood by me in the next three years. Hahahaha 🤣. When I remember things like that I would just laugh and let it go. Of course I did not create myself. I can go beyond what is giving to me by God. Looking at this I can't agree that we all have an ideal adult age.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 112, edition 2.
Thanks for hopping in. Do have a great month ahead.



In Nigeria and most countries, the ideal adult age is 18yrs which is considered a time for a person to be matured and take decisions on their own. But everyone can never be the same way. Maturity isn't determined by age, but by experience and responsibilities.

Maturity is not determined or depended on age, for me a sense of responsibility is what defines how matured one is.

Beautiful piece


Well said and that’s just the reality. We are all different and that’s also affected have response to maturity too. Age doesn’t really matter. But individual personality and performance matters.

Every person get mature in different ages like you said, but the law helps both of them get some other responsibilities in the same age!

Your 22-year-old point of view is interesting, congratulations on the text, children really bring us great learning