We are living by God's grace today. When I say today, I mean in our world. People are already going through alot because of living. What we get is far smaller than what we spend everyday. Sometimes I ask myself where I get all the money I spend from. Because as it is I don't think I can get enough money to solve all my problems. Yet in one way or the other the problems are been solved everyday.
When we want to compare the cost of living in our countries I don't think that we will have much difference. Though there are few difference that I have noticed which I want to point out here.
The major problem I think we have in Nigeria is bad government which has landed us where we are today. When a country have good government, things will be different. I remember those days when the price of commodity was very high, we had money to make purchases despite the cost of things. Today the case is different. We have no money and yet the cost of living is very high. Sometimes I wonder how people are copping with the situation in the country.
Let's move straight to the question- WHAT'S YOUR COST OF LIVING?
To say that the cost of living is high in Nigeria is an understatement. We are in a situation that words can't describe what people are going through right now. People are currently staving to death. Some are serious debt that no one knows how or when they will pay.
Here the value of naira has dropped to the extent that it doesn't even have value any more. The way dollar has risen far above naira makes it very difficult for us to strive here. When you have millions of naira and then convert it to dollars that is when you will know that you have nothing. But when you make dollars and come back home to exchange it with naira you will be very happy.
I have seen people who live out side this country that are doing very well. Sometimes I envy them because when they work, they get their pay and sending it home here will make them millionaires. Especially the people that are living in America. I know that they all work very hard to make their money. What I use to consider is even the fact that there is something for someone to do. Here in Nigeria, one will graduate from school and stay at home for another five years moving from one office to another. Thank God for entrepreneurship that has helped us today to be busy while we await the government work.
I love my country very much and I don't mean any harm. But for our survival I will prefer to be outside this country to staying here and putting efforts that will be wasted by the country.
Finally, we have fuel here, but is very expensive. We have fruits here but is expensive. We have man power here but is not appropriated. You can work from the beginning of the month to the end and the government will not pay you. This is one of the major reason why cost of living here is high. We get little and spend much.