The educational system in Nigeria

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Education is said to be the bedrock of all nations, is that really how it is nowadays?

I had the opportunity to listen to a speech from a professor in the chemistry department. He told us about how the educational system was during his time. The higher institutions back then and his experience with us nowadays, he would always look at us with pity and be hopeful the educational system would change for the better.

He said during his time in the higher institution, there was a way the government provided things for them for free. They would have free breakfast and dinner all day, the hostel fee wasn't much at all for those residing in the school hostels, and they would have their bed sheets changed and replaced every two days.

He also added that there was free and easy access to different books in the library where they could read widely, and the lecture room and halls were always cool for them to have lectures, with no overcrowding. And once they are done with their degree, job opportunities await them in whatever field of study they find themselves in.

That was how the educational system was in his time and that was more of a reason why it’s not everyone that has the opportunity to go to become a graduate.

Nowadays things have changed a lot, the schooling system is so poor, and yet all of these people who enjoyed the free education are the ones in position today, but they love to see it grow worse. This time around there is a hard way you can become a student, the acceptance fee is enough to scare you away if you are not financially okay.

Not to talk about the struggles and stress you should be prepared to encounter while studying. There were times when I saw university students run after sand tippers and trucks hanging on them just to find their way home.

Lecture halls got so bad that once you get to the venue two hours earlier, then you should know you can't find a seat, you have to get a seat on the floor, or you remain standing or outside the lecture room.

The library claims to be advanced with e-facilities, but how many students have access to them? These are just about the so-called higher level of education.

What should I now say about the secondary and primary levels, if the tertiary level should have this kind of failure?

I would just cite an example of a scenario that happened recently in a school where my brother teaches. One of the teachers was warning the whole class for making noise and disturbing the peace of the school. They got the teacher frustrated that he had to get in their class and beat them all.

While beating them, all of these students were displaying some kind of attitude towards him, but he didn’t care, not until he flogged a student, and the student raised his voice at the teacher, then walked out of the classroom.

How old is this boy? He is just in his Junior secondary 2, and his age is just around 12. I wonder what schooling became without any regard for teachers, no respect, and lack of discipline. When parents can't even handle their children well, what does the teacher have to say? Since they got a backup from their parents.

Hopefully, the educational system will turn for the better again.

This is my response to the hive learners community weekly featured content on Hive for the week 106 edition 2 and the topic to be discussed is SCHOOLING BACK THEN

Images is from Pixabay



Education has been highly disrupted by the internet. But the mainstream still think education is schooling. The soonest they separate both the sooner their value system and where they put faith will change. We all knew this back in the days but the pandemic really showed to us clearly and gave us the last bits of proof we needed to understand how education and it's impact has nothing to do with schooling.

Schooling is the practice of sending minors to concentration camps while adults go to work.

Actual education is the information is given and practice of that information through assignments.

The first is a logistic solution, the second is an informatic solution.

So there is a lot to separate between each other.

On the topic to mentioned is a socialists system that never meant to survive. Free education is like saying free McDonald's. There is no incentive from government or tax payers or people to sustain this system. Having free things never worked, maybe at the very beginning, but at one point they get too broken and too expensive to maintain.

Teachers get old, staff grows morphless and other interests eventually break the whole make up of it. It happens everywhere.

Also society grows incredibly faster than what schools can grow. Think about it, houses become more expensive and un-affordable yet schools should remain free. Something has to give and it won't be society's growth.

So expect more overpopulation, more break up of the educational structure and less efficiency.