My experience with a crazy tailor.

in Hive Learners4 months ago

I wonder why people always have problems with vocational skills workers. I felt they used to learn it alongside their training, or maybe it's just a part of their personality.

Vocational workers like carpenters, bricklayers, tailor service, mechanics, and the likes are always sometimes crazy enough to get you pissed off. But there are rare times when you get to meet with nice ones among them. But at a very rare opportunity.

As a student, life wasn’t rosy at all, it either you sacrifice your feeding allowance for transport, or you stay at home and eat at the risk of missing classes. You have to sacrifice one for the other. Sometimes you see some students sacrifice their school fees for other things.

This time around I decided to sacrifice my feeding allowances for a good look. I don't have many clothes on me anymore so I decided to change my wardrobe, maybe three or four new dresses to match up with the old ones that are still manageable.

I should have opted for Jean and a round neck, but I already have some. I needed a native wear. Choosing a tailor who would help me sew is sometimes hard for me. And the fashionista I know and use mostly resides in Lagos. So I just have to find someone.

I remembered a guy who helped me sew a dress when I was in my second year. He sews the dress to satisfaction. I was so impressed by his work and creativity. Anytime I put on the clothes he sews for me then, people will stop me to ask about the brainbox behind the nice attire.

I went to his shop, and we had a long discussion. I told him I would be sewing four different types of clothes, he should help me sew them nicer than the ones I sewed in the past. He nodded in agreement, took my measurements and I was about to leave.

Not to disturb him much, and to also make my work faster so I can get it on time. Since he would be buying the materials himself, I sent him all the money we agreed to complete the sewing and his workmanship. I owed him nothing.

That was where I had the biggest regret of my life. I don't know if maybe he had family problems, or maybe he had been praying for someone like me to come. I felt God answered his prayers.

He gave me three weeks that he would complete my clothes for me. So I patiently waited for three weeks, then on the agreed date, I called him to be assured if he would be available and I would be able to get my clothes before going to his shop. What he told me was that he hadn't completed it, so I should be a little bit patient again for another two weeks. Haaa.

I started smelling problems. My patience is beginning to deteriorate gradually. I forcefully waited for two weeks. And the next time I wanted to leave I didn’t even bother calling him. I went straight to his shop. When I got to the shop, my heart skipped. I thought I was blind for some minutes.

He was nowhere to be found, the tailor already disappeared.

I asked around and I was directed to his new shop. Without wasting time I headed straight to the shop. Luckily I met him sewing some clothes. I frowned and asked for my clothes.

He pleaded and told me he had sewn them, he was on the last one. So I should be patient. I asked to see the one he had sewed. Then he brought out some clothes and asked me to put them on.

These clothes are undersized for me! Didn’t you measure me?! I asked.

He said he would adjust them so I should give him more time. I left that day and waited for another three weeks again. I called him and then his number wasn’t going through. Imagine. I went to his new shop and he locked it. He seemed to have known I would be coming for him.

I asked around again and then one day I saw him heading to another tailor's shop. So I went there again and saw him. I asked for the clothes, but he couldn’t answer. I realized he just told me to wear someone else's clothes that day 😂. Crazy!

Immediately, I called a lawyer who was a close friend of mine. Reported the case of this tailor. He heard the conversation and then spoke with the lawyer on the phone. The lawyer threatened him and then he promised to give me my clothes the next week.

I went again the following week. Instead of him giving me my clothes or my money. He gave me two low-quality clothes. More like patched material. And pleaded I would get the remaining two another time. I don't know what to say anymore and to avoid stressing myself, I just had to let go and never step into his shop or call him again. I deleted everything about him.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 115 Edition 3 and the topic to be discussed is TO SUE OR NOT TO SUE

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It's great that you tried to put the words from your real life experience to a tailor's wonderful story that happened to you. In fact, each of us has a different way of thinking and doing different things. Everyone's thinking power is different but if you don't keep pace with the times then you will be in big danger someday so I found some great logic in your question which I liked a lot.

That’s just it. I hope he change from his ways before it’s too late. You are right about our thoughts though.

A person's right thoughts and mind can change the environment in the society

Unfortunately, people who do things like this with several clients get a bad reputation and it is very difficult for them to prosper. We feel sorry for them. Hopefully someday they will change. Regards @abdul-qudus

Reputation at stake! 💯. And that’s the fact about it. Later you see them complaining about their business crash or lack of customers. Without knowing they are their own problem.

This tailor is really crazy, but not just crazy, completely unreliable! I just want to understand why he simply didn’t deliver the clothes as agreed! By my count, your clothes were with him for several months, and he couldn’t fulfill the agreement! Wow, such things happen!!!

He was indeed crazy. I regretted paying him in full. Had it been I paid him halfway. He would have done my job so he could get his balance on time. But paying him in full was my biggest mistake. But I have learnt a lesson

I'm a tailor myself, although retired and know that we in this past of the world tend to disappoint at one point in time or another, but I think he went too far with his actions.

What he did by asking you to test someone else cloths as though its yours is what my boss as also did to someone before in my present.

One just need to pay gradually to get them to work, else once they collect all, they spend it and don't feel comfortable doing your work again, because it's like they've not been paid.

Haha. You are tailor again! This Vic 😂. How many thing together. I need this your head ooo.

Anyways I don’t blame him. I blame myself for trusting him and making a full payment. So that’s just the way you guys do. You too have learned to give customers other people’s cloth 😂. I am not surprised anymore.

But I trust you won’t do that to your customers

This is so annoying when tailors disappoint you. And I think that it has become a normal thing for them. We just have to be more patient with them or we will do what we will regret later.
Thanks for sharing

Yes ma. But his own was just way too much. I tried enough. I just hope he continue to see costumer if he decides to change.

Some tailors can be crazy i swear I have had this experience before. Well am not surprise of there actions again

There are reliable ones among them. But the bad ones have turned the good ones with a bad name. I just hope he doesn’t continue that way. If not his reputation remains at stake

Yea dear

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Imagine the next day was Eid. You don enter wahala be that.😂😂

You really can’t trust some tailors. All you can do is to hope and pray they don’t fuckup

Haha. Next day is eid! 😂. Nigeria will not contain our fight. Ghana self we referee us tired 😂 😂.

Don’t mind those set of people. They won’t collect the little they can sew, they will pile it up and keep their eyes on the money and forget the work to be done.

You will sleep in his shop.😂😂

Everyone wants money. We can’t blame them.😂