in Cinnamon Cup Coffee6 months ago


Every day is special, but one of the days I have been able to enjoy the most are Sundays, because it is the day that is accompanied by the words rest, relaxation and family sharing.

For days I had the desire to prepare oatmeal for our breakfast, it is a food with a myriad of properties and health benefits, so I like to include it in our diet during the week. As I love to vary our food, I decided to make a perfect duo between coffee and oatmeal.

Coffee is what I start my day with and suddenly an idea came to my mind about how to combine these 2 ingredients? it should be a spectacular flavor and let me tell you a little bit about it and have no doubts about the incredible result.

For this powerful and energizing drink I need 3 tablespoons of flaked oats, this will depend on the taste of the consumer, I particularly love flaked oats, 5 grams of instant coffee, 200ml of cow's milk, 200ml of cream milk, arequipe to taste, chocolate syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and ice.

This recipe has 2 practical ways to prepare one is hot and the other is cold, as it is extremely hot here I wanted to start with something nutritious, but very refreshing at the same time, so I opted for the latter option. The first thing I did was to prepare what I would use as cream milk, as I didn't have it I mixed 3 tablespoons of powdered milk in 100ml of cow's milk, to this I added 3 tablespoons of arequipe and 3 of condensed milk, this mixture was very creamy and sweet.

Then I added the 200ml of milk in a container and to this I added the oatmeal, coffee and other spoonfuls of arequipe as the base of the sweetness that was going to represent the mixture, once all this was ready I only had to integrate all its components and it would be ready to taste.

I loved the smell that came out when I mixed the coffee with the oatmeal. It should be noted that this mixture was concentrated and low in sugar because I did not want so much sweet in my system so early in the morning, decorate the glasses with chocolate syrup, add the ice and then the milk base with the oats and coffee, I sprinkled cinnamon and some oat flakes and a little soluble coffee powder to predominate the flavor of coffee at all times.

I can tell you that it is an excellent option for a breakfast, but I would like to experience it soon in hot, my husband and I enjoy our awakening with this coffee delight and recharge our energy with the combined supplements.

I hope you are encouraged to put this recipe into practice and that you can have your own experiences. From now on I encourage you to start your week with the best attitude and accompanied by a delicious coffee.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Todos los días son especiales, pero uno de los que más he podido disfrutar son los domingos y es que es el día que va acompañado de las palabras descanso, relajación y compartir familiar.

Desde hace días tenía la inquietud de preparar avena para nuestro desayuno, es un alimento con un sinfín de propiedades y beneficios para la salud, por lo que me gusta incluirlo dentro de nuestra dieta alimenticia durante la semana. Como me encanta variar nuestros alimentos, decidí hace un dúo perfecto entre el café y la avena.

El café es con lo que inicio mi día y de repente vino a mi mente una idea sobre ¿cómo poder combinar estos 2 ingredientes? Debería ser un sabor espectacular y déjenme espoliar un poco sobre el asunto y no tengan dudas sobre el increíble resultado.

Para esta potente y energizan te bebida necesite 3 cucharadas de avena en hojuela, esto va a depender del gusto del consumidor, a mi particularmente encanta la avena en hojuelas, 5 gramos de café soluble, 200ml de leche de vaca, 200ml de leche crema, arequipe al gusto, sirope de chocolate, vainilla, canela y hielo.

Esta receta tiene 2 maneras prácticas de preparar una es caliente y la otra es frio, como aquí hace un calor tremendo quise iniciar con algo nutritivo, pero muy refrescante a la vez, por lo tanto me incline por la última opción. Lo primero que hice fue preparar lo que utilizaría como leche crema, como no la tenía mezcle 3 cucharadas de leche en polvo, en 100ml de leche de vaca, a esta le agregue 3 cucharadas de arequipe y 3 de leche condensada, quedo muy cremosa y dulce esta mezcla.

Luego agregue los 200ml de leche en un recipiente y a este le agregue la avena, el café y otras cucharadas de arequipe como base del dulzor que iba a representar a la mezcla, una vez todo esto listo solo debía integrar todos sus componentes y estaría listo para saborear.

Me encanto el olor que se desprendía cuando batía el café con la avena. Cabe destacar que esta mezcla quedo concentrada y baja de azúcar porque no quería tanto dulce en mi sistema a tan tempranas horas de la mañanas, decore los vasos con sirope de chocolate le agregue el hielo y seguidamente la base de leche con la avena y el café, le esparcí canela y algunas hojuelas de avena y un poco de café soluble en polvo para que predominara el sabor del café en todo momento.

Les puedo decir que es una excelente opción para un desayuno, pero me gustaría experimentar lo próximamente en caliente, mi esposo y yo disfrutamos nuestro despertar con esta delicia de café y recargamos nuestra energía con los suplementos combinados.

Espero que se animen a poner en práctica esta receta y que puedan tener sus propias experiencias. Desde ahora les animo a iniciar su semana con la mejor actitud y acompañada de un delicioso café.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

Todas las fotos utilizadas aquí son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi teléfono Redmi Note 9T. El diseño fue realizado con la aplicación GridArt.


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you very much for your support 😊 @cinnccf

I've never combined oatmeal with coffee, but since it looks delicious, I'll try it and see how it goes. Good recipe. Greetings.

You will love the combination of flavors and it is ideal for a light but very nutritious breakfast.
A 🤗 and thanks for visiting 😊 ☺️

This looks delicious, and like it was a ton of fun to make! I've always heard that oatmeal is one of the best things to start your day with, but I struggle to eat it. Perhaps I just need to put it into my coffee instead! Hehe thanks for sharing your awesome recipe ☕️

Well, now you have the perfect excuse to encourage you to preserve the day with oatmeal and a delicious coffee, it's good to innovate from time to time.
Greetings and thanks for visiting @grindan

everyday is special to drink delicious coffee, moreover by homemade

Since I cannot experience the delights of coffee in a coffee shop, I create them at home and enjoy them from creation to tasting.