in Cinnamon Cup Coffee5 months ago


Today is Sunday and my heart knows it, so apart from enjoying a day of tranquility, I also take the opportunity to share a dessert with my family and it occurred to me to continue innovating with something different.

This time I want to share with all coffee lovers, a practical and simple recipe, it is a coffee based jelly, here I will share its ingredients and I invite you to put it into practice and have your own tasting experience.

We need 15 grams of unflavored gelatin, 10 grams of insoluble coffee of your favorite brand, in my case I used Colcafé, 4 tablespoons of vanilla, a can of condensed milk and the same proportion of liquid milk, chocolate syrup to taste, cinnamon powder, 500 milliliters of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar.

The first thing I did was to prepare the 10 grams of coffee in the 500 milliliters of water as we have commonly worked in the kitchen and give it our sweet spot, once ready we took advantage that it was hot and added the 15 grams of unflavored gelatin and stirred until obtaining an absolute dissolution and after that I placed it in a metal bowl in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

Once the necessary time had elapsed, I took out the metal tray with the coffee gelatin, cut it into small squares and stirred it with the help of a spoon to remove it from the bottom of the bowl and facilitate the process.

Simultaneously I prepared with the help of my princess to prepare the milk cream, for this I added the can of condensed milk to the cup and at the same time I added in similar portions a can of liquid milk, shake with a whisk to homogenize the mixture, then I added 4 tablespoons of vanilla and at this point I felt that this milk cream needed a special ingredient, it was liquid coffee because otherwise it would lose its main essence and so I could enliven its flavor when all the ingredients were integrated.

Once everything was ready I decorated the glasses with chocolate syrup and then I added the squares of coffee jelly with the milk cream and on top I sprinkled cinnamon powder and chocolate syrup again.

You may be wondering what was the result? Let me tell you dear friends that combining coffee with condensed milk was an experience that my palate and each member of the family enjoyed to the fullest.

I took the opportunity to share the snack with everyone at home and with my mother-in-law who is visiting for a few days. So finally my dear friends, coffee is a drink that can be mixed with other ingredients and I continue to encourage you to experiment with it and get out of our comfort zone.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Hoy es domingo y mi corazón lo sabe, por lo tanto aparte de disfrutar de un día de tranquilidad, también aprovecho para compartir un postre con mi familia y se me ocurrió continuar innovando con algo diferente.

Esta oportunidad quiero compartir con todos los amantes del café, una práctica y sencilla receta, se trata de una gelatina a base de café, por acá les compartiré sus ingredientes y desde ya los invito a que se animen a ponerla y practica y tener su propia experiencia de degustación.

Necesitamos 15 gramos de gelatina sin sabor, 10 gramos de café insoluble de tu marca preferida en mi caso use el Colcafé, 4 cucharadas de vainilla, una lata de leche condensada y la misma proporción de leche líquida, sirope de chocolate al gusto, canela en polvo, 500 mílitros de agua y 3 cucharadas de azúcar.

Lo primero que hice fue preparar los 10 gramos de café en los 500 mililitros de agua como comúnmente lo hemos trabajado en la cocina y le damos nuestro punto dulce, una vez listo aprovechamos que estaba caliente y le adicionamos los 15 gramos de gelatina sin sabor y agitamos hasta obtener una disolución absoluta y posteriormente a ello lo coloque en un bol de metal en la nevera hasta que se solidifique.

Transcurrido el tiempo necesario, saque la bandeja de metal con la gelatina de café, la corte en cuadro pequeños y la removí con ayuda de una cuchara para desprenderla del fondo del bol y facilitar el proceso.

Simultáneamente me dispuse con ayuda de mi princesa a preparar la crema de leche, para ello adicione la lata de leche condensada a la tasa y al mismo tiempo le agregue en porciones semejantes una lata de leche líquida, agite con un batidor de mano para homogenizar la mezcla, luego le agregue 4 cucharada de vainilla y en este punto sentí que esta crema de leche necesitaba de un ingrediente especial, era café liquido porque de lo contrario perdería su esencia principal y así pude avivar su sabor cuando se integraran todos los ingredientes.

Una vez todo listo decore los vasos con sirope de chocolate y luego le agregue los cuadros de gelatina de café acompañado de la crema de leche y en la parte superior le espolvoree canela en polvo y nuevamente sirope de chocolate.

Se estarán preguntando ¿cuál fue el resultado obtenido? Déjenme decirle querido amigos que el combinar el café con la leche condensada fue una experiencia que disfruto al máximo mi paladar y cada uno de los miembros de la familia.

Aproveche para compartir la merienda con todos en casa y con mi suegra que está de visita por algunos días. Así que finalmente mis queridos amigos el café es una bebida que puede ser mezclada con otros ingredientes y les continuo animando a experimentar con él y salir de nuestra zona de confort.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.


I also love coffee because we know that coffee is very delicious and has its own unique taste. If I don't drink coffee here for a day, I feel like I'm alone and lonely.

Coffee is an excellent companion and it is always a good option to consume it.
Thank you for your cordial visit

How creative!❤️ That's too much sugar for me, certainly, hehe; However, the idea of the coffee jelly surprised me, and I liked it a lot. It's a fun and pretty treat; I love the colors.

Yes, the condensed milk gives a great sweetness to the mixture.
My children enjoyed this tasty snack.
Thanks for reading my post

I can't believe it! Coffee gelatin, I don't know why I hadn't imagined it. This should be an explosion of flavors.🤤

The experience is unique for every palate, so don't hesitate and discover this explosion of flavors where coffee is the priority.

Excellent recipe that you share with us today, it made me want to make one of these jellies with coffee.

Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe.☕

Happy new week.

I encourage you to experience the delightful taste of coffee and gelatin.
It is ideal for snacks.
Greetings my dear @rinconpoetico7

I've never seen coffee gelatin before, that's really unique! This looks like a wonderful treat, and like it was a lot of fun to make! Thanks for sharing ☕️

I am innovating with coffee and trying to vary the snacks at home, so I decided to make it and it was very nice to taste its flavors.
Thanks for visiting my friend 😊

It's been a while since we read each other.
I think your recipe is great, fascinating and very innovative.

Thank you for the compliment. I also love the recipes you've shared with coffee.
Greetings my friend

Pero eso se ve delicioso, debes montar el emprendimiento amiga🤗.

Hahaha I definitely need to continue innovating in these drinks as they say in the variety of the palate are the most exquisite flavors.
A beautiful 🤗

That looks delicious!
Congratulations @sidalim88

It looks and was incredibly delicious my dear friend. Thanks for the compliment

Me gusta mucho tu receta, la mezcla de leche con café es exquisita y además gelatina, muy buena tu propuesta. Un abrazo

I'm glad you found my recipe appealing. I love coffee combined with milk.
Greetings my dear

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Appreciate the support dear community 🙂 ☺️

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976

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