Friendly greetings dear Hivers, especially coffee lovers. I love this week's topic because it has given me a lot to think about regarding my relationship with coffee. I've always considered myself a self-possessed person and have been squarely against the vices of addictive substances. But in recent years I have recognized that coffee is my guilty vice.
I have always had some parameters as to my place at the table, my favorite cutlery, glasses or plates. But all this applies to food, but not to coffee. I can drink coffee in any container, sitting anywhere, I don't have a schedule. I can drink three cups first thing in the morning or in the early morning when the roosters are crowing and normal people are sleeping.
If I arrive to visit a house I roar to heaven that they offer me coffee, and if there is good confidence with the hosts in the first 5 minutes I comment: "They saved me some coffee, didn't they?
It doesn't matter if they serve me coffee in a ceramic, clay, pewter or plastic cup. It doesn't matter if it is red, clear, watered down, sweet or black. I am the happiest person in the world with a cup in my hand and the taste of coffee flooding my mouth.
At home I never use cups. I have a plastic thermos that I carry everywhere. It keeps my coffee hot and has no risk of breaking in case I put it on the floor or on a shelf, during my runs around the house doing the day's activities.
There are really no ideal conditions for enjoying my coffee. Since in any circumstances I enjoy them to the fullest. In fact coffee makes every moment ideal. With all that I have mentioned above, it would seem that I am exaggerating a little, but the truth is that my coffee habits are quite intense and coffee is not an option but rather part of my daily routine.
Nor do I see it as a dogmatic question. I don't think that everyone should drink coffee or that people who don't have the habit of consuming it are missing out on something important in their lives. On the contrary, sometimes I wonder if it is right to have such a strong bond with a beverage, or I am afraid of depending on coffee to have a better mood or not to get a headache. But the truth is that I enjoy it very much, I am not hurting anyone or myself, so for now I will continue to enjoy coffee.
I was very pleased to share with you these anecdotes and reflections about coffee. I hope you enjoy reading them. For now I will say goodbye.
Images from Pixabay
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