A friendly greeting dear Hivers, especially for coffee lovers. It gives me pleasure to be once again in this space. I have always thought that bonds of affection are very important for life. Those dear people who give you support and containment and to whom we offer our warmth, love and friendship. Of course for these bonds to arise there must be things in common, because no one likes to be with people with whom they will disagree on everything. But besides the things in common, something that is very important is the respect for differences.
On this point I believe that coffee has its own history, I have met many people who find it unimaginable that another person does not drink coffee. This sometimes generates ridicule, offense and even rejection. For me, what is unthinkable is that we still find it hard to find the beauty of diversity. Everyone thinks differently, feels differently and enjoys life differently, so why think that group enjoyment has to be the same for everyone.
I love coffee, my mornings start with a cup of strong coffee and so the days go by between cups. This is not why I find it necessary that the people who share with me have to enjoy coffee as much as I do. While we can share a good conversation, each one of us can drink what we like.
On one occasion I went out with a person who did not drink coffee, he could not even stand coffee candies that usually have artificial flavors. That was not an impediment to enjoy the time we spent together. Our relationship was based on respect, I never reproached her for her rejection of coffee, on the contrary, we looked for places where we could both get something good to drink. In the same way, she went out of her way to make sure that I never lacked my cup of coffee and that I felt full and calm.
I believe that in this life everything must be done with love, if not, then it is not worth it. I consider myself a coffee lover, but at the same time I have learned to live by putting into practice important values, such as respect, love and non-violence. So it is unthinkable for me to reject someone just because they don't drink what I drink.
I currently share my life with a beautiful person @jetta.amaya and sometimes we have felt rejected by groups since Jetta is a vegetarian and we live in a region of cattle farms where people have a completely carnivorous culture. On the other hand neither of us consumes alcohol, this is also strange in our region, since statistically alcohol consumption is alarming. So generally when we are invited to some gathering, they get complicated about what they are going to offer us to eat or drink.
My point is that it is not pleasant to feel that rejection, because sometimes they even stop inviting us with the pretext that they don't know what to offer us. The truth is that we should open our minds a little more and understand that in friendship and couple relationships the most important thing is to share with joy, whether each one fills his or her cup with a different drink.
This is all my reflection on this week's theme. May coffee help us build bridges with people and not destroy them. I say goodbye for now, see you soon.
Own photos from my Xiaomi redmi Note 11s
Translated with Deepl.com
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