A huge community of ear fungi (¨FungiFriday¨) [Esp/Eng].

in FungiFridaylast month
No se imaginan la alegría que me da poder estar nuevamente en esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  para enseñarles a todos algunas de las especies hermosas que hay en la ciudad donde vivo, son tan preciosas que se merecen ser dados a conocer, si bien no son nada extraordinarias, tienen un algo especial cada una de ellas

Source: Family Álbum

You can't imagine how happy I am to be back in this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  to show everyone some of the beautiful species that exist in the city where I live. They are so beautiful that they deserve to be made known. Although they are nothing extraordinary, each one of them has something special

Estos días han sido muy agotadores, hemos estado yendo de un lugar a otro para poder cumplir con algunas cosas para acceder a los ¨medicamentos¨ que necesita mi abuelo para sus ¨afecciones¨; por suerte hemos tenido algunas horas libres para visitar la reserva y dar con este hermoso racimo de hongos tipo ¨orejas¨:  como pueden ver, su crecimiento está dado sobre la superficie de maderas

These days have been very exhausting, we have been going from one place to another to be able to fulfill some things to access the ¨medicines¨ that my grandfather needs for his ¨conditions¨; Luckily we had a few free hours to visit the reserve and find this beautiful cluster of ¨ears¨ type mushrooms:  as you can see, they grow on the surface of wood

Source: Family Álbum

La segunda especie de hongos que hallamos era demasiado pequeña, por lo que espero haber identificado bien, se trata de este hongo conocido con el nombre de ¨Schizophyllum¨ commune¨¨: al igual que el hongo que les enseñe anteriormente crecen en ramas , o troncos de árboles que se están descomponiendo. No suele ser muy común ver a esta especie así tan pequeña y en soledad, es más común verlos en grandes grupos, pero bueno, esta vez estaban así de dispersas

The second species of fungus we found was too small, so I hope I have identified it correctly. It is this fungus known as ¨Schizophyllum¨ commune¨¨: like the mushroom I showed you earlier, they grow on branches or tree trunks that are decomposing. It is not very common to see this species so small and alone, it is more common to see them in large groups, but well, this time they were like this dispersed

Source: Family Álbum

No tengo dudas que este hongo no desean ser visto por las personas, ya que saben que cada vez que aparecen, la superficie donde están se estarán pudiéndose, dado que es una generalidad de los hongos conocidos como ¨Junghuhnia¨:  o también conocido como los ¨hongos¨ de ¨cortezas¨. Estas son las cosas que hacen que ame el gran predio donde siempre vamos para encontrar hongos y participar del concurso

I have no doubt that this fungus does not want to be seen by people, since they know that every time they appear, the surface where they are will be rotting, since it is a generality of fungi known as ¨Junghuhnia¨:  or also known as the ¨bark¨ fungi. These are the things that make me love the big field where we always go to find mushrooms and participate in the contest

Source: Family Álbum

Para aquellos que deseen saber sobre las fotografías de hongos que hemos tomado, las hizo mi abuela con su teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨. Gaby es una genia haciendo fotografías, sobre todo las de hongos que sirven para participar del ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   de @ewkaw.

For those who want to know about the mushroom photos we took, they were taken by my grandmother with her Motoe7plus phone. Gaby is a genius at taking photos, especially the mushroom photos that are used to participate in the ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   by @ewkaw.


Source: Family Álbum


The discovery of mushrooms is very unique. I love looking at them and recently I saw a mushroom as unique as this.

Thank you very much for sharing

Hello @frizzy97 good morning
I'm glad to know that you liked the mushrooms I found. Thank you very much

It's incredible that you found so many ear mushrooms in a small space on this tree branch.
Your grandmother took some beautiful photos of mushrooms.

My grandmother always takes beautiful photographs, and yes, it was a great surprise to see this large amount of mushrooms on the tree trunk.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much ewkaw @qurator for this great support to my publication

This is kinda different and amazing 👍

Thank you so much @mysteriousroad for your kind words. Have a lovely day!

Me ha encantado la primera especie que encontraste parecen como flores pequeñas y raras y son hermosos esos hongos! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

los hongos orejas tambien son mis favoritas
Muchas gracias @avdesing


Nice ones. :)

Thank you very much @hindavi