Mushrooms that I found while walking around the patio of the house//Hongos qué me encontré mientras daba una vuelta por el patio de la casa

in FungiFriday6 months ago
Although I know that Friday is not the day to share posts in the #FungiFriday community of our friend @ewkaw, I am happy because I found these little ones by chance while walking while I was in the patio of the house so I decided to share the photographs with all of you.

Aunque sé qué no es Viernes día para compartir publicaciones en la comunidad #FungiFriday de nuestro amigo @ewkaw estoy contento puesto conseguí estos pequeños por casualidad al caminar mientras estaba en el patio de la casa así qué decidí compartir las fotografías con todos ustedes.

They were very close to each other; but there was a clear difference in size between both Mushrooms although at first glance it seemed that they had just emerged since they were full of earth at the top. Furthermore, another aspect that caught my attention was the black color on the inside of the black mushroom, like I had never seen before.

Estaban muy cerca uno del otro; pero existía una clara diferencia de tamaño entre ambos Hongos aunque a simple vista parecía que acababan de emerger puesto que en la parte superior estaban llenos de tierra. Además otro aspecto que llamó mí atención fué el color negro en la parte interna del Hongo negro cómo nunca antes lo había visto.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 191 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


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Lucky you to find these on your doorstep! 😁