Some Ganoderma in the park for Fungi Friday [eng-sp]

in FungiFriday3 months ago (edited)

It is hard to think about anything else but this Sunday's elections. These are crucial days for my country. Millions of Venezuelans have mixed emotions. Nervousness, anxiety but above all a lot of hope for a longed-for change of course.

Although it is difficult to think about anything else now, I thought it would be good to relax a little by writing. So I remembered that last week, I had taken several photos in the park for #FungiFriday and hadn't posted them yet.

I went to the park that day after a couple of weeks without going for a walk for various reasons that are beside the point. And the rains of the past few weeks had done their thing, everything was so green.


As soon as I started the walk, I saw that there was a lot of fungi at the foot of one of the Acacias in the park. And of course, I went to take some pictures.



Google Lens told me that they are one of the varieties of Ganoderma.


They grow on tree trunks and have several species. According to Wikipedia about 80 different species and many of these are from tropical climates.



Curiously, only two of the many trees in Vizcaya Park had mushrooms that day.


And both had several of these fungi at the foot.



This was the largest of all I saw that day.


I would say it was about 20 cm in diameter.


I wonder if anyone knows if these mushrooms are edible or if they are toxic.

This is my contribution to this week's #FungiFriday by @ewkaw.

I say goodbye for now. Have a wonderful weekend and for the Venezuelans who read me, if you can vote do not miss this opportunity 🙏🇻🇪.

Thank you for reading.

! [Text In Spanish]
Es difícil pensar en otra cosa que no sean las elecciones de este domingo. Son días cruciales para mi país. Millones de venezolanos tenemos emociones encontradas. Nerviosismo, ansiedad pero sobre todo mucha esperanza de un anhelado cambio de rumbo.

Y aunque en estos momentos es difícil pensar en otra cosa, pensé que sería bueno relajarme un poco escribiendo. Así que recordé que la semana pasada había tomado varias fotos en el parque para el #FungiFriday y aún no las había publicado.

Ese día fui al parque después de un par de semanas sin salir a caminar por diversos motivos que no vienen al caso. Y las lluvias de las últimas semanas habían hecho lo suyo. Todo estaba muy verde.

Nada más empezar la caminata, vi que al pie de una de las Acacias del parque, había un montón de hongos. Y claro, me acerqué a hacer unas fotos.

Google Lens me dijo que son una de las variedades de Ganoderma.

Crecen en los troncos de los árboles y tienen varias especies. Según wikipedia unas 80 especies diferentes y muchas de estas de climas tropicales.

Curiosamente, sólo dos de los muchos árboles del Parque Vizcaya tenían setas ese día.

Y ambos tenían varios de estos hongos.

Este fue el más grande de todos los que vi ese día.

Yo diría que tenía unos 20 cm de diámetro.

Me pregunto si alguien sabe si son comestibles o si son tóxicos.

Este es mi post para el #FungiFriday de esta semana iniciado por @ewkaw.

Me despido por ahora. Que tengan un estupendo fin de semana y para los venezolanos que me leen, si pueden votar no pierdan esta gran oportunidad 🙏🇻🇪.

Gracias por leer!

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

July 26, 2024

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I think this is the Ganoderma Lucidum
This one that can't live without nail varnish. 🤣 In that link it says that it is medicinal. However 😁 I don't trust what I see, but what if I'm seeing thongs instead of mushrooms, huh?

Friend, the Universe is in charge, don't stress yourself with things that are not under your control. 😉

Hope the election will go smoothly in your country and those who truly care about making good changes will win. Glad you took time to relax through sharing these mushroom pictures, sis. They are interestingly beautiful :) !LUV

Thank you, sis!!! I did my vote and the voting centers should close in a few hours. I hope everything goes well and the results are respected. 🤞

Have a great week 😘

May the best man win in your coming election. Although the mushrooms looks healthy, I'm not sure if they are edible.😬.

Amazing fungi shots @coquicoin!... I like alot!... Have a great weekend dear friend!!!

!discovery 40

Gracias, Jesus!🤗


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I Wish you all a peaceful election this Sunday ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. By the way, there must be a reason for that anxiety? Is it bad? Or is there scary thing during that time?

Anyways, those are pretty mushrooms, they all look pretty and healthy, and big too. I just spot on a mushroom in the old tree in our backyard but it's so tiny. It's nowhere near as much as these mushrooms, which is bigger and really pretty 🤔🤔

Cool photos about this mushroom.
It's my first participation to the #FungiFriday

Have a great weekend


Thank you! I saw your post, and you have some fantastic fungi shots there.
Have a great weekend, you too.


I have never seen this type of mushroom! They look really interesting but I think they are toxic. 😊 I hope the elections ended well. I wish you a beautiful future with the new government structure! Many greetings and hugs dear Eli!🤗

This type of mushrooms is common around here in the rainy season and it also seems to me that they must be toxic but who knows?
The elections .... the opposition won as we wanted but also as we expected the government has claimed the victory. The country is a powder keg and we live in turbulent times, hopefully in the end we will achieve a change of course.
I hope you and your beautiful family are all fine, dear Jelena.

What a joy that your people have the opportunity to choose the person they want to govern them and lead the country forward; I hope that the results reflect the will and choice of the citizens.
I love the mushrooms "Ganoderma" sessile, they are really beautiful, I really like the combination of colors, their peculiar shape and their large size
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful experience.
Have a wonderful weekend dear friend @coquicoin

Hello lady @coquicoin
A recreational space is the best place to visit when it comes to relaxing, in addition, we have the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful things that nature gives us, such as these beautiful mushrooms that you were able to find.
Have an excellent election and the person who looks after the interests of the people wins


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