El despertador perfecto [The perfect alarm clock]

in Proof of Brain3 months ago

Amigos de Hive, no se si esta entrada corresponda muy bien aquí, y desde ya pido sinceras disculpas si no, pero aún me está siendo muy difícil entender esta Social Blockchain, en serio, disculpen que la haya descubierto hace poco y aún cometa errores.

Pero bueno, vamos al grano como dicen los cosmetólogos! 😆

El título es bastante representantivo de la idea, que es entre anécdota y recomendación... Después de los 30 años, me ha sido especialmente difícil madrugar, y no crean que hablo de las 4 o 5 AM, ya que si la alarma no era lo suficientemente persistente, bien podría dormir hasta el mediodía.

Hasta que llegó él, desde ese momento, mi cuerpo ha sido reprogramado y sin necesidad de alarmas me despierto entre las 5.30 a 6 AM.

El despertador ⏰ perfecto resultó ser un gallito 🐓 al que bauticé "Gallito Ponce" en alusión a un cantante de mi época llamado "Machito Ponce" por un comentario que me hizo mi madre sobre que apenas llegó ayer y ya se hace el machito. 😆

Entonces, para hacerla breve, si quieres volver a madrugar, nada mejor que tener un gallo en tu jardín 🏡 y tendrás un despertador a prueba de fallos!

Espero que esta sugerencia-anecdota haya sido un poco divertida y que estén teniendo una bonita semana!

Friends of Hive, I don't know if this post corresponds very well here, and I sincerely apologize if not, but I'm still finding it very difficult to understand this Social Blockchain, seriously, sorry that I discovered it recently and I'm still making mistakes.

But well, let's get to the spot as cosmetologists say! 😆

The title is quite representative of the idea, which is somewhere between anecdote and recommendation.... After the age of 30, it has been especially difficult for me to get up early, and don't think I'm talking about 4 or 5 AM, because if the alarm wasn't persistent enough, I might as well sleep until noon.

Until he came along, since that time, my body has been reprogrammed and without the need for alarms I wake up between 5.30 to 6 AM.

The perfect ⏰ alarm clock turned out to be a cockerel 🐓 which I christened "Gallito Ponce" in allusion to a singer from my era called "Machito Ponce" because of a comment my mother made to me about how he barely arrived yesterday and he's already acting macho. 😆

So, to make it short, if you want to get up early again, nothing better than having a rooster in your garden 🏡 and you'll have a fail-safe alarm clock!

I hope this suggestion-anecdote has been a bit of fun and that you are having a nice week!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


My neighborhoof has many rooster pets and they do make a perfect alarm clock! Once a rooster cuckadoodle doors, others will follow

Yeah! They are very efficient at their "jobs" , thanks for your reply! Have a great day!

Jobs eh, I like that. Suppose thats one of the reasons why they were created.

No problem on the reply, I like to interact but some of the people I reply to does not seem to be interested on my reply lol

Lol yeah, every creature created performs an important role in our planet I guess! Thanks again and hope you a great day :)

Un despertador natural, sin pilas y simpático jaja

Sobre todo muy simpático, en la foto no llega a notarse bien su "peinado", tiene unas plumas rizadas en la cabeza parecidas al peinado de "El Depredador" 😂
Que tengas un hermoso día 😘


Dear @duvinca, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ladyaryastark.

 2 months ago Reveal Comment