POBPhotoContest: Close-Up

in Proof of Brain3 months ago

Checking the rules again, I see that I can use a photo from my archive, but that you recommend a new photo.

While I totally get that and it makes sense to always go out and get fresh photos, there is one photo in my archive that immediately popped up in my mind...

It was during a visit to the Tala Collection Game Reserve here in Kwazulu Natal, west of Durban on the east coast of South Africa.

Thinking about getting a fresh photo was a temptation, I have to admit. But the photo that came to mind means something special to me! I can go outside and get 10 new photos and pick the best one, but while it might be something beautiful, it would be something we can see every day.

The photo I want to submit is special in the sense that it was during a special outing (not something you can do every day) and secondly it is definitely not something you will see every day in normal day-to-day living.

Just after we entered the game reserve, we found some of Zebra and we had to stop to admire them. This beautiful little youngster was curious and walked right up to the car...

So, this is the photo that I would like to submit for this week's round in the #pobphotocontest: Close-Up!

I used my NIKON dx camera and an 18-55mm lens.


A little further down, I stopped again to admire this beautiful, healthy, strong-looking Zebra. He was also close, but not as close-up as the one in the first photo.


Another close-up, yes. Yet, I thought the Zebra would be a better photo to enter for the competition.


We really had no problem getting some close-up photos for the day as you can see in the next two photos too...lol.



Then there was the close-up meeting with a Rhino...


And that's it for today folks!

Thank you for reading my post! I do appreciate it!

All the best to everybody who is taking part in this competition!


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Wow! More targets reached! I love this! Thank you for the badges, @hivebuzz! I do appreciate them👍!

Three badges in a row, that's awesome @jacoalberts! 🎉🎉🎉

I couldn't believe it when I saw it😅!