My waterleaf farm

Hello everyone, Good evening and welcome to my blog. How was today I believe you all have a great day today.

I have started journey growing water leaf in my farm where I also planr corn , farming have been a thing of passion to me and how I started planting the water leaf on my own farm.

Here in Nigeria water leaf is also green leaf or vegetable we used it prepare soup it has it own nutrients it contribute to the growth of the body. In my state this the season we usually grow waterleaf and the is always a method apply to the planting process the method is seedbed this the best method to apply why planting waterleaf.

The planting of the waterleaf have taken me weeks before it gets to this stage. Before I started planting waterleaf it was all about the decision because am aware they stress and time it was take before trying to grow waterleaf I consider the farm land weather it will be a place where water will hold because with that the waterleaf stems with die because how water is be sucks one place so this process need to be considered before step.

My planting have taken weeks before I could plant to this extent
This is just part of the activity because I had to go back tomorrow to continue to make sure I fill up the space I have filled. The are some steam I have to fill up the remaining place and after planting then I will now consider manure for proper growth and this is raining seasons I don't need to water the waterleaf everyday because it almost raining and this will help to reduce stress so this are the steps that needs to be considered before planting of waterleaf.


@tipu curate