Simple tips To Keep Your Birds Safe During Harmattan Period

in GEMS11 months ago

Hi Everyone

It's another beautiful day on my side and it's with great pleasure that I'm welcoming everyone to my blog and I hope you're all doing well and having a great day.

I talked about the effects of harmattan season on the poultry birds and poultryfarm business and some also discussed some tips to achieve to good production in one of my last post. You can check here to know more about it.




Harmattan season has really been a great challenges to poultry birds due to the damages the harsh weather, dry and dusty wind is causing to the health and development of the birds during this period.

But today I will like to share with simple tips to ensure your birds are safe.

During this harmattan period, everywhere is dry and the dust can really caused a great damage to the bird's health especially when the dust enter in to their respiratory tract, this lead to respiratory distress and can later leads to chronic respiratory disease (CRD) which is a very deadly disease in poultry birds.

One of the little thing you have to pay attention to during this harmattan period is your bird's bedding especially if you're using sawdust or other absorbent materials for your bedding.

Recall that I said everywhere is dry around this time and this makes the sawdust to be more dusty which makes it more harmful to your bird's health if the dust sniff into their oesophagus and that's you have to neutralize the sawdust by adding water and mixed it well to quench the dust that can cause a respiratory distress to your birds.

Adding water to make their bedding to become wet can really safe your birds from respiratory disorder and help them to stay active and healthy.

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