"Glorifícate" - Praise and worship music Week # 25

in Sound Music6 months ago

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Aquí una vez más en esta nueva semana de Praise and worship music, es la semana 25 y estoy agradecido de poder presentarme este día, a través de este lindo tema musical. El tema escogido es "glorifícate" de Miel San Marcos. La letra de esta canción habla del poderío de Dios y que es el rey de reyes y señor de señores, por lo que queda bien con el tema escogido de esta semana.

Siempre me he sentido bien cantando temas de esta banda musical y me siento bien cantando este tema, el problema es que ando un poco enfermo con gripe y tos, por lo que no me salió tan bien como quisiera hacerlo, sin embargo, lo hago con todo el corazón. La letra dice que no hay nadie como él, y es la verdad, en esta vida solo existimos seres imperfectos, todos tenemos debilidades y por buena que sea una persona, al final hay algo que tiene de malo, que hace que no esté completo. El único ser completo es Dios, él es el rey de reyes y señor de señores.

Debemos recordar que, a pesar de estar enfermos o decaídos, jamás debemos dejar de exaltar el nombre de Dios, nuestros labios se crearon con el fin de alabar al creador, por lo que a pesar de no sentirme 100% listo, igual lo hago porque toda rodilla debe doblarse antes el y adorarle.

Here once again in this new week of Praise and worship music, it is week 25 and I am grateful to be able to present myself this day, through this beautiful musical theme. The chosen theme is "glorify yourself" by Miel San Marcos. The lyrics of this song talk about the power of God and that he is the king of kings and lord of lords, so it fits well with this week's chosen theme.

I have always felt good singing songs from this musical band and I feel good singing this song, the problem is that I am a little sick with the flu and cough, so it didn't turn out as well as I would like to do it, however, I do it with all the heart. The lyrics say that there is no one like him, and it is the truth, in this life we ​​only exist imperfect beings, we all have weaknesses and no matter how good a person is, in the end there is something wrong with them, which makes them not complete. The only complete being is God, he is the king of kings and lord of lords.

We must remember that, despite being sick or depressed, we must never stop exalting the name of God, our lips were created in order to praise the creator, so despite not feeling 100% ready, I still do it because every knee must bow before him and worship him.


Invito a @jordanjosue @kerfa y @nairimcabmer a unirse a este evento, adjunto post con la información, esto es organizado por @stefy.music.

I invite @jordanjosue @kerfa and @nairimcabmer to join this event, attachedpost with the information, this is organized by @stefy.music.


Rey de Gloria
yo me rindo
Rey del cielo
levanto a Ti mi voz

Que mi adoración sea grata a Ti

Mi deseo
es adorarte
Mi anhelo
es tocar tu corazón
Que mi adoración sea grata a Ti

No hay nadie como Tú
No hay nadie como Tú
No hay nadie como Tú, Señor!
No hay nadie como Tú
No hay nadie como Tú

No hay nadie como Tú, Señor!

Rey de Reyes
Señor de Señores
Exaltado seas hoy
Mientras me acerco a tu trono

Rey de Reyes
Señor de Señores
Exaltado seas hoy
Mientras me acerco a tu trono

No hay nadie como Tú
No hay nadie como Tú
No hay nadie como Tú, Señor!

Rey de Reyes
Señor de Señores
Exaltado seas hoy
Mientras me acerco a tu trono

Rey de Reyes
Señor de Señores
Exaltado seas hoy
Mientras me acerco a tu trono







King of Glory
I give up
king of heaven
I raise my voice to You

May my worship be pleasing to You

My wish
is to adore you
My longing
is to touch your heart
May my worship be pleasing to You

There is no one like you
There is no one like you
There is no one like You, Lord!
There is no one like you
There is no one like you

There is no one like You, Lord!

King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Exalted be you today
As I approach your throne
Glorify yourself!

King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Exalted be you today
As I approach your throne
Glorify yourself!

There is no one like you
There is no one like you
There is no one like You, Lord!

King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Exalted be you today
As I approach your throne
Glorify yourself!

King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Exalted be you today
As I approach your throne
Glorify yourself!

Glorify yourself!

Glorify yourself!
Glorify yourself!

Glorify yourself!
Glorify yourself!
Glorify yourself!
Glorify yourself!

Glorify yourself!
(Glorify yourself!)

Glorify yourself!
Glorify yourself!
Glorify yourself!

Glorify yourself!


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