Empacando para la Vida
¡Hola a todos!.
Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una reflexión sobre la vida, esa gran aventura en la que todos nos embarcamos. La vida es un viaje, una travesía llena de experiencias y aprendizajes que nos moldean y nos transforman.
Para este viaje, yo empacaría pocas cosas. Dos pantalones, unas bermudas, tres franelas y, sobre todo, muchísima agua para refrescarme y mantenerme hidratado.También llevaría un par de frutas para nutrirme durante el camino.
Este viaje de la vida, que comenzó hace 56 años para mí, me ha llenado de satisfacción y gratitud.
Cada experiencia vivida en este viaje ha sido un aprendizaje. He encontrado cosas nuevas, desafíos y oportunidades. Cada problema y cada obstáculo que se me ha presentado en este viaje, los he visto como oportunidades para crecer y para ser cada vez mejor.
Uno de los desafíos que me ha permitido crecer y descubrir nuevas habilidades es el arte del pixel. Sí, hago mis dibujos en pixel art, una habilidad que he desarrollado y que me ha permitido expresarme de una manera única y creativa.
El viaje de la vida debe ser ligero.
Debemos dejar atrás aquellos aprendizajes que no nos aportan nada positivo, esos malos sentimientos, esas malas emociones o esos malos momentos.
Debemos tomarlos como algo que nos enseñó a superarnos y a partir de allí poder ser mejor.
En este sentido, tenemos ese gran aprendizaje.
Te invito a que compartas conmigo cuáles han sido tus aprendizajes en el viaje de la vida. ¿Qué has empacado para tu viaje? ¿Qué has dejado atrás? ¿Qué nuevas habilidades has descubierto en ti mismo?.
Gracias por visitarme. Nos vemos en una próxima ocasión.
Hasta luego.
Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about the value of attitude.
Hello everyone!.
Today I want to share with you a reflection on life, that great adventure on which we all embark. Life is a journey, a journey full of experiences and learning that shape and transform us.
For this trip, I would pack few things. Two pants, some shorts, three flannels and, above all, a lot of water to cool me down and keep me hydrated. I would also bring a couple of fruits to nourish myself along the way.
This journey of life, which began 56 years ago for me, has filled me with satisfaction and gratitude.
Every experience lived on this trip has been a learning experience. I have found new things, challenges and opportunities. Every problem and every obstacle that has come my way on this journey, I have seen as opportunities to grow and become better and better.
One of the challenges that has allowed me to grow and discover new skills is pixel art. Yes, I make my drawings in pixel art, a skill that I have developed and that has allowed me to express myself in a unique and creative way.
The journey of life should be light.
We must leave behind those learnings that do not bring us anything positive, those bad feelings, those bad emotions or those bad moments.
We must take them as something that taught us to improve ourselves and from there we can be better.
In this sense, we have that great learning.
I invite you to share with me what your learnings have been on the journey of life. What have you packed for your trip? What have you left behind? What new skills have you discovered in yourself?
Thank you for visiting me. See you next time.
See you later.
Music from Fifty Sounds Track : Luces de Neón
Thumbnail & chroma image of the post made using canva.com
This is my black cat "manclar", this hive name account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
The divisor is made by @albiro2050, if you want one made in your style, visit him and he will gladly take care of your commission.
Animated gif is maded using https://ezgif.com/
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