Why God's Direction is Important To Us

in The Kingdom4 months ago

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As our loving Shepherd, God directs and guide us. Such directions is very important because we really need it for our survival and prosperity. Imagine being lost in the forest. Dangers full everywhere. Wicked animals, insects and wild plants can harm us. The presence of forest guide can bring a lot of relief and succor to us. The world and happening seems like that forest, we are. Temptation abound that can spoil our relationship with God. For us, to be successful and happy, we need his direction to navigate throught these dangers.

In the ancient Israel, Jehovah choose Moses to lead his people out of slavery to the promised land. He guides them with pillar of cloud in the day and light during the night for their safety and provision. Moses followed his direction and commands to be successful in that task. As Israel was directed towards the Red Sea, was it a mistake? No! God is still in charge and wanted to teach those wicked slave master a bitter lesson, to bring glory to his names and build up the Israelites trust in him.

Moses continue to direct his people over forty years in the wilderness. His cloud over his tent proved to others that He is appointed to lead them. Many people fiercely challenged him but it was their doom. With him, God support and lead his people successfully and their benefits. Joshua, Moses's predecessor obey God and lead his people aright. Also, God empowered many prophets and judges to serve as leader over his people. Through this means of direction, God's people was unified, provided, successful and protected over other nations that surrounds them.

Now, God uses his word, the Bible to direct us. Psalm chapter 1:1-3 rightly explain how reading and studying the Bible can be helpful. Such person will be successful like the trees planted by the waterside. Truly, our success is tied to having good relationships with God and his words written in the Bible makes it possible. We are adviced to make out time daily to feed more from it as good food nourish our body and strengthen us bodily and medically.

Although Bible is written by humans but they were inspired by God. Just the words of Manager written on a letter by his personal assistant or secretary remain valid and authentic as his words to his subordinates. Reasons abound to believe that it's truly God's word and beneficial for direction and guidance. Although they lived in different times and professions like farmers, doctors, fisherman, lawyer etc. But, they wrote same things and events that are harmonious and meaningful. Because their events are truthful and real, they can serve as lessons and directions to us now.

Humans will be in peace and support each other with differences if they allow God's direction and lessons. Unity and love will surpass hatred and racism that separate people from another. We will understand that we come from human race which is one race and ethnicity than being divided into countries, races and tribes. Our Love for each other will be pure and unconditionally as God's love is.


Many people claimed to hear from God. Undoubtedly, God still direct us from his word, the Bible. Pay attention and living aright will endear us to him and our benefits will multiplied.