All Things Work Together For My Good

in The Kingdom4 months ago

I'm on here to encourage you that there's a masterpiece in your mistakes.


The very thing that looks like it's about to bury you every time that you step into it, when you look at it, and you think about it, God is saying there's beauty in the middle of it.

The enemy tried to throw all these different colored paints on your canvas and tried to make you discouraged and make you look like it was going to end out ugly. And God was like, all things work together for the good and they love the Lord band are called according to his purpose.

What the enemy meant for evil, God meant for masterpieces. They might have told you that you'll never be anything. They might have looked at you like you are crazy and talked about your name. Everything you went through might have been designed to kill you, but God's going to use it to carry you.

The Bible says that God's word will not return void

And the Bible also says that before you were in your mother's womb, he already knew you

So he already has a plan for your life.

Therefore, anything the devil tries to throw at you, that counters the word that he's already spoken over you because it's not going to return until it accomplishes what God told it to do.

Literally cannot prosper over your life. It might succeed for a little bit, but it will not prosper. And prosper means to grow strong and healthy. By the second, everything the enemy said to your life is weakening.

So the next time the enemy tries to take something, somebody tries to talk down on your name, the next time you go through a difficult situation, all you need to say is God's painted my canvas, period.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Truly we need to trust God in any difficult situation that we face, I have experience Jehovah's hand in my worse moments.