Hey, first of all, First of all how is your day going?
Whenever things are going well in my life, I always ask myself the question, am I truly satisfied with Jesus?
Because in order to know if you're truly satisfied with something, everything else surrounding that thing has to be taken away so that you know I'm really okay. And my environment externally does not dictate me internally.
So as I was self-reflecting, I realized that the season that God had me in where I was separated from people and I was in my isolation season and I didn't get the things that I was praying for, because God needed me to know that before he released those things to me, I'd be satisfied and content with him first.
I had to know that those things don't add value to me, those things don't bring me the everlasting peace and joy that only his spirit brings because those are fruit of his spirit. And as long as my drive was rooted in getting those things and achieving those goals instead of drawing closer to Jesus as the ultimate goal, I was left more depleted. Because not only was I going 10 times harder towards those things, I wasn't even being refilled.
I wasn't receiving what I was trying to put out, that he will always love me no matter how much I have or how little I have, no matter how many mistakes I make or if I do everything right.
He's teaching me that true peace and true joy and true fulfillment can only come from him, not from codependent relationships, not from money, not from resources, not from being in, not from platforms.
And the closer that I draw to him, the more satisfied I am with him outside of everything else.
And I'm choosing to trust him that he can, and I'm learning that I can trust him for the things that I have not seen yet because I know that he only wants the best for me.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha