Demanding Job Can Not Stop You From Spending Time With Jesus.

in The Kingdom7 months ago

If you are a working class and you want to grow your spiritual life despite your demanding job, then there are ways to achieve this.


Keeping a steady consciousness of Jesus in your heart, no matter how busy you are will really help your spirit man to grow very strong. As simple as staying conscious of Jesus is, it leaves a very strong impact to your spirit man.

Psalm 16:8


Thinking about Jesus constantly on the move, on the job, strengthens your spirit man in no small way.

So, thesame way you worry about your bills, about your house rent, what to eat, even when you are working. What you should do is to replace that worry with the consciousness of Jesus. Then when you get back home from work, spend time in prayers and in the word of God, and doing this, you will be shocked on how much weight you are going to be gathering in your spirit. Your life will never remain thesame.

Stay Blessed.