Monomad Challenge - The city night is full of life in christmas

in Black And White8 months ago

Hello to all my friends in the incredible Black And White community, today I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, I hope you all have a nice day with your families, my best wishes for all.

As it is Christmas, I wanted to go for a night photography ride around my city and to my surprise it was completely full of people!! I had not seen the nights in my city so lively for a very long time, there were people everywhere.

Today I want to show you the photos that I took last night and use them as an entry to the #monomad challenge.

The first thing I did was go to the main square of the city, where many people usually gather and when I arrived my suspicions were correct, it was full of people.

Hola a todos mis amigos en la increible comunidad de Black And White, hoy quiero desearles una Feliz Navidad espero que todos tengan un bonito dia con sus familias, mis mejores deseos para todos.

Como estamos en navidad, quise salir a dar un paseo fotografico nocturno por mi ciudad y para mi sorpresa estaba completamente llena de gente!! tenia muchisimo tiempo que no veia las noches en mi ciudad tan vivas, habian personas por todos lados.

Hoy les quiero mostrar estas fotos que tomé ayer en la noche y usarlas como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.

Lo primero que hice fue dirigirme a la plaza principal de la ciudad, alli se suelen reunir muchas personas y al llegar mis sospechas eran ciertas, estaba lleno de personas.


Then I wandered around the surrounding streets and i was surprised to see so many people and cars on the streets.

Luego di vueltas por las calles de los alrededores y me sorprendio ver tanta cantida de gente y carros en las calles.







Some people were eating and others were drinking, but one thing is for sure: everyone was celebrating in their own way.

The truth is that I was very happy and excited to see the city so full of life.

Algunas personas estaban comiendo y otros bebiendo pero algo es cierto, todos estaban celebrando a su manera.

La verdad es que me alegró y me emocionó muchisimo ver la ciudad tan llena de vida.









Everyone was infected with the Christmas spirit and the whole city was in a festive mood

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Todos estaban contagiados del espiritu navideño y la ciudad completa estaba de fiesta.

Feliz navidad para todos.



Yay! 🤗
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