Everyone has a story. What kind of life did this horse have?

in Black And Whitelast year

I met him alone. He seemed calm, but as he got closer, he became nervous. I wondered what life history this horse might have, what it had experienced.. You can see a lot of strange places on the body, I think they are scars, maybe scars from his difficult life history...

Spotkałem go samotnego. Wydawał się spokojny, ale podchodząc bliżej, robił się nerwowy. Zastanawiałem się, jaką historię życia może mieć ten koń, czego doświadczył, co przeżył. Na ciele widać dużo dziwnych miejsc, chyba są to blizny, może blizny z jego trudnej historii życia...

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge 🖤







My motto is:
"The beauty composition is more important than the color".
You will find here only gray photos and a minimum of color - I 🖤 them!
It's nice to be able to show the world something of myself.

📸 Photo by @love.gray | Fuji X + Fujinon XF 16-80mm F4 R OIS WR | Edit Lightroom + Photoshop



The scars on its body suggest that it has indeed had a difficult life. Perhaps it was mistreated or abused in the past. Perhaps it has been injured in an accident. Whatever the cause, the scars are a reminder of the pain and suffering that the horse has endured.

It is also interesting to note that the horse was nervous when it got closer to you. This suggests that it has learned to be wary of humans. Perhaps it has been mistreated by humans in the past. Perhaps it has seen other horses being mistreated by humans. Whatever the reason, its nervousness is a sign of the trauma that it has experienced.