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RE: Small and insignificant

in Black And White4 months ago

There are a lot of curious things that go on, but many are only interesting if you don't have a front row seat to them.

It is not the norm here either at this time. Once within the last 15 years, I was sitting at my desk at work one day and we experienced a tremor from a small quake a little distance away. It was not so much shaking really and was barely felt consciously, but still something in my body detected the difference and for a few seconds, I felt a little queasy. I was surprised it made my physically react that way.

I'm glad it wasn't worse there.


There are a lot of curious things that go on, but many are only interesting if you don't have a front row seat to them.


Yea I am glad too. My first thought was about the flat above us, if it is gonna fall on us and when :p

That reminds me, one time years back when I was moving out of state and talking to a woman about an apartment that I would rent sight unseen, There were apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floor and while I was hesitating about which one I should choose, she mentioned that one good thing about the top floor was.... that no one's toilet could ever run over into your apartment ! 🤣 I decided I would go with that one. LOL

Haha it is a very good point :D :D