Divided We Fall: Crysis.

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Awakening To The Reality.

Okay since I feel that putting too much strain on this old rust ship I thought I might hit up some of the older games. I scrolled through the Xbox Game Pass Market and saw the Crysis games. I then remembered the first one of the lot, the very first one! Oh playing that game back in 2007 well that was whack! Just insane and whack! Playing it again now... well I probably shouldn't have jumped back on it.

The reason I say this is that because it was such a great game back in the day... playing it now might ruin that great memory of it. Because let me tell you I can already feel the drop in excitement towards the game. Although I am going to push through and run through the entire sequal!

Or Try At-Least!

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Divided We Fall.

I have some excitement for the combat part of the game! But most of all the story line! I am dying to jump back into that gem!

I think because of playing it almost 15 years ago the story might hit different this time around and perhaps the second and third titles will make some sense now?

Maybe and just perhaps!?

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In Danger Right Off The Bat!

We've barely set foot on this North Korean controlled island and we've already been dealt a blow of some kind. Not entirely sure what it was that struck us but it did some damage to say the least. We ended up scattered all across the map and right off the bat nothing went according to plan!

This might mean the start of a heavy road ahead for the crew!

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A Bad Way Start Counting.

What a bad way of securing an area? They sent three bloaks? To what?

Light up the path for us? They know something is up yet they are caught off guard!

This will make for an easier infiltration! To the first of many more!
One thing that I think I see forward to is the weapon customization in the game and most of all! OH YES! Most of ALL! The Gauss! I want that GAUSS Rifle again! I need to blow some stuff up with it!

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A Call For Help!

Aztec somehow managed to get stuck up in his parachute lines and is now danlgling like a ripe apple in a tree waiting to be plucked!

I doubt we'd find him alive though, from the sound of things I rarely think it could have ended very well at all. Yet what ever we may find we still have a job to do here and the faster we do that the faster we can get off this rock.

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Too Little Too Late.

What we found is nothing we liked, nothing at all.

Aztec is gone, but that wasn't the biggest of concern, no. It was what killed them? Both Aztec and the Koreans? What killed them because it doesn't look like anything I've ever seen?

Must have been a cruel way to leave this earth!

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The Approaching Dawn!

With dawn approaching and the crew left with one man less and the mission has barely even taken shape. Well it might be safe to say that things haven't exactly gone to plan as we might have hoped for right.

The rest of us will just have to pick up the weight and carry it further, there is no do or try there is only dying if you don't and that was not our creed!

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To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Very cool game big bro. The gameplay might not feel the same after so many years, but diving into the story again would probably be awesome. Hopefully, the sequels add more clarity this time around

I am almost certain the sequels would add a lot more clarity... although I wanted to do another recording but the recording app is messing around with the screen ratio of it... I'll see what I can figure out tonight 😅

I hope the recording works bro, would love to see another video