PS2 Update

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

It has been a while since giving any updates on the PlayStation 2 situation, and I haven't really talked about the debacle I went through, trying to get this going.

I got my old one out of storage, and it was broken. The console came on but the disc tray wouldn't open. I eventually got it to open, but I was afraid of putting a game in because I didn't know if I could get it out.

Also, I tried a controller in it, but my one was busted. I had some old PS1 controllers, and they didn't work either. So, I bought a controller from a local game shop, and that worked. I was able to navigate the console, and check the memory card, but couldn't put a disc in, to check it out.

I took it apart and cleaned it, but I must have blown something inside because after putting it back together it wouldn't turn on. I was annoyed, but that's life, and sometimes we just have to move past it.

Round 2

There was a slim console in the house, so I took that to my place to try out, but couldn't find a power cable for it. I didn't realise I needed a different one for the larger PS2 console.

I couldn't find one anywhere, so just about gave up on the idea.

Round 3

My partner's dad said they had an old PS2 that he'd seen lying around somewhere, and after a few days, he rooted it out and gave me it.

Because of all the hassle I had already gone through I didn't have high hopes, and kind of set myself up for disappointment... but, it worked!

It's a wee bit dusty, but it's all good and in good working order.

Excuse the mess in the background, I need to sort out some of my cables and fix up the desk properly.

Here are the two controllers. The black one is the one given to me with the console, and the grey one is the one I bought a few weeks ago. It's a PS1 controller but has analog sticks, which is good.

Along side the console he gave me Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven, which is a game I have never played but have heard good things about.

I'm yet to play it, but I will at one stage. I remember playing a Tenchu game on the PS1 briefly when I was a kid, and I also had a go of Tenchu Z on the 360, years ago.

The first game I loaded up, to test out the console was DW5, which I never played, but now finally have a chance.

The only issue is the black controller I got with the console doesn't have a working analog stick, so I can't actually look around while playing the game... FML.

No fret, I thought, as I plugged in the grey controller I bought a while ago... nope, that doesn't work either, because it doesn't have dual shock 2 capabilities, and I'm assuming that DW5 requires it... FML x2.

I can still play it though, so it's grand, and I won't have any trouble playing PS1 games using that controller, so there's a silver lining.

I had to take a picture of the screen, rather than a screenshot because I don't have my capture card plugged in and set up yet.

Currently, I'm using my computer monitor with the converter only, and I can switch back and forth between the PS2 and my PC which is handy.

Twitch Streaming

I logged into my Twitch account after about 1+ years of not being on it and found that I have 40 Euros on there from ad revenue/ subscriptions from back when I was streaming.

It didn't take me too long to earn that, but I need another 60 to be able to withdraw the money due to a threshold limit on transactions, or whatever.

I've decided to stream some of the classic games using my capture card, so I can not only film some reviews/ gameplay videos for my YouTube channel, using footage gathered from my VODs, but also so I can get back into streaming in general because I did really enjoy doing it back then.

I was going to try it out today, but after finishing work today I was a bit tired, and ended up just playing some DW5 rather than setting up the capture card and all of that stuff.

I'll set up the capture card this evening though, and tomorrow after work I'll give streaming a go, even just as a way to test the waters with it.

Streaming a PS1 game seems like the best choice, due to the lack of a fully functioning PS2 controller, so I'll have a flick through the games I own and see what I'd like to try out.


Nice to see that the second PS2 worked! Sorry to hear that you don't have a working controller - I am sure I have spares but it'd cost more for me to ship it to you than to buy one LOL.

Hahaha, thanks for the offer but I think you're right. I'll figure it out within the next few weeks, so for the time being I'll make do.

Also, I read your Dwarf Fortress post yesterday. It sounds like some fun, with the new adventure mode.

Is that the game that they had to update their cats or something because they kept walking into bars, getting alchohol on their paws, licking them, then they'd get drunk?

I was watching a guy doing some dives into it before, and it sounds really complex, but interesting.

Is that the game that they had to update their cats or something because they kept walking into bars, getting alchohol on their paws, licking them, then they'd get drunk?

YEP! And then subsequently dying from alcohol poisoning LOL.

In Adventure Mode you can pretty quickly kill yourself if you drink too much as well - after about 3 mugs of beer you're going to be vomiting everywhere, and if you keep going... well, it's a short adventure 😂.

I had my first DF-Adventure death today at noon - pit my Goblin adventurer against a monster and... well, apparently the Midnight Man was a feared night-beast for a reason.



Damn man, the attention to detail is sick, I love games like that!

Haha, bad luck. Hopefully your next character lasts longer. Do you think you'll do any playthrough vids on YT, or 3Speak?

3Speak is hard to hit the very low file size for (when it comes to gaming vids), but DF might be a good chance to try it again.

I definitely want to do some gameplay, as I think seeing me fumble through it without any past experience will be both inspirational for some folks and hilarious as I'm sure it's going to have a bunch of death lol.

I was going to do my first session at noon there, but realized I was in a weird place for picking up a video and that I was very close to the monster I'd heard about so thought I'd give it a go.

This does set me up to kick off a new Adventure as soon as I have a spare hour - maybe tonight even.

I have an old PS2 here that I use to watch DVDs. There's some fault as the drawer does not stay open and I have to get the disc in or out quickly, but it plays okay. This thing is over 20 years old, so it's not doing bad really. Have fun with yours.

Oh, that's not a bad use of it, it's a shame about the disc tray, that's the same thing that was happening to mine. Luckily with these slim ones the top pops open and there's not much mechanically that can fail with them.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to stream for a little bit after work and run it through its course.