Vibes Web3 music competition week10 song cover you are Yahweh

in Vibes8 months ago (edited)

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You are the God who was who is and is to come
Jesus Jesus
cnd in you I trust my life is in your hands
Jesus Jesus you are the miracle working God
You are Yahweh eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh eh eh eh eh eh
You are Yahwe
clpha and omega
You are Yahweh eh eh eh clpha and Omega
You are Yahweh eh clpha Omega
You are Yahweh eh eh eh you are Yahweh
You are Yahweh alpha and omega I
Say you are Yahweh you are you are
You are Yahweh eh eh eh you are Yahweh
You are Yahweh eh eh eh alpha alpha alpha and omega
You are Yahweh alpha and omega

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1788033309798195570?t=odeQ-imLiym2j8qlf5Abpw&s=19 twitter metadata:UHJlY2lvdXNXOTU1MTB8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUHJlY2lvdXNXOTU1MTAvc3RhdHVzLzE3ODgwMzMzMDk3OTgxOTU1NzA/dD1vZGVRLWltTGl5bTJqOHFsZjVBYnB3JnM9MTl8 ~~~


Hello @preciousgold, welcome the Vibes Web3 Music Competition. We are happy to welcome you and have you with us, I am one of the official judges for the Vibes Music Competition. Nice sweet singing entry, this gospel praise and worship song is a special one, hope you have fun with us sharing more music, God bless

Thank you sir for stopping by I will appreciate