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RE: Rewarding Repetitive or Bot-Command-Only Comments in the FreeCompliments Community

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

I don't think that a community on Hive can directly label these two examples of engagement as spam because it shall depend on how they are used.

Firstly, I use the Ecency front end, which allows me to write snippets to insert into posts or comments. I have one snippet prepared for some tip bots. Sometimes I stick this at the end of a comment, sometimes these are the comment on their own.

An example would be if I see a post by a friend that just shows his Actifit progress. He is using that community and he is posting his workout/run. There is not much for me to say here. I could drag out a "Well done and keep training" comment and try make a dozen iterations of it. But really, I have hundreds of notifications to respond to and in order to keep the engagement up and the support up, I need to give him a vote and some support in the form of a bot tip and move on.

Repetitive comments also need to be approached with context. It really depends on where they are used.

If you come across an account that responds to all content posts with a generic reply of how good the post was and how they like it and how this person is amazing, but then copy and pasted it into all their comments they made that day 10x times, this would be considered phony. I would not particularly punish them, but I would not reward that either.

The other repetitive comment style that is bad would be harassment. There was a cooky crazy person spouting their conspiracy theories on Hive some time ago and used to throw out these comments unsolicited all the time. That was a drag and that was abuse.

But one way that I feel repetitive comments can be used correctly is with repetitive posts. There are a lot of Splinterlands and other community-driven Giveaways. You need to comment on the post with your username account and willingness to enter. There is really no need to give a creative answer to these. Someone is hosting a give-away. It is a raffle, a competition and your time and attention is going into the chance to get selected on the random wheel. You don't need to upvote but you can if you want.

There are a good half-dozen or more that I follow on these give ways. A standardized snippet/repetitive comment to join these very samey non-content posts does not feel like abuse.

Just my 2c.



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