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RE: Rewarding Repetitive or Bot-Command-Only Comments in the FreeCompliments Community

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

@josephsavage is right. This will most likely be a waste of curation. Unless all participants are using a third-party service to save that dust it will negatively affect the curation APR.


I do have a delegation to dustbunny, so that may help for some dust votes. However, this curation is also symbolic in a sense - a sign that you are seen.

A dangerous thing on Hive is a lack of interaction among members. Some people can write entire articles and not get a single interaction or vote. Knowing that you've been seen by someone is one key to retention.

That's valid. For the record you don't ever have to upvote my shitposts or tipping comments. Using the tip mechanisms boosts post engagement overall in my experience so dust isn't necessary by any means but it's a very nice gesture.